Whitney Houston’s much-hyped comeback single ‘I Didn’t Know My Own Strength’ premiered within the last hour. Lord knows we’ve been waiting on the Dianne Warren penned cut for the longest…

So, does it live up to the hype? Well, yes and no. I’m really liking that this is a vintage Whitney ballad. Yet how this will fare in the contemporary chart climate will be interesting to see. Whitney’s ‘new voice’, also, is unavoidable to scrutinize. Gone, apparently, is the glorious belting and power which put Whitney head and shoulders above the rest vocally (something I’m sure age and her much publicized problems are attributable to), in it’s place a competent, deeper, gritty, yet still-rich tone from the legendary diva. Nothing to be ashamed of; if anything it gives the song a heightened level of realism. I fully expect Whitney to do this song justice live, as it appears to fit the profile of where her voice is today. It’d be far more detrimental to Nippy IMO to have her voice ProTool’ed to the high heavens, only for her to not be able to deliver live like a certain other woman once famed for her voice (I won’t say no names). As I type, I have my reservations about this as a single and whether it will work (word has it the label are trying to gauge a response, but confirming a single solidly); that aside, welcome back Whitney!

Hit or Miss?

Exactly one week ago, the world lost the undisputed King of Pop. Today, AEG – the company behind his much anticipated, yet ill-fated, comeback set of shows ‘This Is It’ – released some footage of one of Mike’s last rehearsals. 48 hours later, he died.

Judging from this clip, MJ seemed to be in great form performance-wise. Long live the King!

Your thoughts?

That Grape Juice Interviews Amerie
That Grape Juice were fortunate enough to speak with R&B star Amerie a few weeks ago. Currently readying her first domestic release in 4 years ‘In Love & War’ on new label Island Def Jam, the ‘1 Thing’ singer chats with us about the album, why she left Columbia Records, whether or not she feels underrated, album sales, reports about her almost being dropped by Def Jam and so much more. As ever, we don’t shy away from the questions you really want answers to. Enjoy.

Interview by: Sam // Transcribed by: Zay (of EarStyle.net)

Sam: Hey Amerie, how are you?

Amerie: I’m good. How are you Sam?

Sam: I’m great, thank you.

Let me start off by saying ‘Welcome back!’ It’s been a minute since you were on the music scene. How does it feel to be back?
Amerie: It feels good, but it doesn’t feel like that long to me. I guess it’s because when I released ‘Because I Love It’ overseas it was back in 2007. Time goes by so fast.

Sam: Indeed it does. Your new album, ‘In Love & War’ is set for release in August. What inspired the album’s title?
Amerie: Now it’s in September (8th). Well the album is all about the turbulent times in a relationship. The ups & downs and all of that. It’s pretty much about the different facets of a relationship that enables it to grow or kind of cause it to die out. It’s also how the things that happen in war can be very similar to what happens with love as well.

Sam: That’s cool. The record was initially called “Make Ups to Break Ups”? Why the change?
Amerie: Well it was ‘Breakups To Makeups’ (Laughs). I was doing one record called ‘Love & War’, and in the song I was saying that how “In Love & War does not matter who’s wrong or right, in Love &
That Grape Juice Interviews Amerie
War you can lose everything you had in one night”. I was like this actually sums up the concept of the album as well. There was something strong about it that felt like that was the right title of the album.

Sam: As evidenced by the first single ‘Why R U’, it’s evident you’ve taken it back to ‘old school Amerie’ from your first album “All I Have”. Was this a conscious decision?
Amerie: In creating everything, some of it was conscious in knowing what sound I wanted. I wanted a fusion of Hip-Hop, Soul, and Rock. I will say this album is a direct extension of my first album. A lot of people who heard it said it does remind them of the first album. Not that it sounds like the first album, but this is the album that would directly follow that album. So it’s definitely an extension of the first album and even with “1 Thing”, not the Go-Go, but the Rock /Soul and elements of the 70s. The record really is a fusion of Hip-Hop, Rock, and Soul. Though, I usually have that on every album in some capacity

Sam: While many of your fans love the old sound, I am among those who latched onto Amerie from the ‘Because I Love’ It album and it’s retro feel with tracks like ‘Crush’ and ‘Crazy Wonderful’. Is there something for us on there as well?
Amerie: As far as those who really like ‘Crush’ and ‘Crazy Wonderful’? Well those songs had an uplifting sound to them. There’s definitely that. With ‘Because I Love It’, I wanted to incorporate the Hip-Hop & Soul, but also 80’s New Wave. There’s none of that on this album, because I feel as though I already got that out my system. If anything the Hip-Hop samples are there from the 80s, but it’s not the New Wave.

Sam: Who can we expect in the way of collaborations and Producers? Your own input?

Amerie: Well, I wrote the entire album, but a couple others helped co-write as well. I worked with Teddy Riley. He’s incredible, he’s amazing. I worked with Warryn Campbell, I worked with Eric Hudson. I worked with Trey Songz, he’s featured. The Buchanans and Fabolous. There might be a couple of other features for the project, but they may not be on the album or not. I had a really good time. I worked with really talented people and I was able to accomplish the sound that I really wanted for this album.

Sam: A lot of fans wanted to know if you worked with Salaam Remi as well as Rich Harrison?
Amerie: Well Salaam and I met and went over some stuff, but we never got to finish what we were going to do. Maybe next time around we will work together. Rich and I didn’t get to get in the studio this time around. He’s focusing on his projects, his group (Rich Girl) and a male singer. I’m actually not signed to him I am signed to myself. Feenix Rise entertainment. He’s kind of focusing on his in-house stuff.

Sam: Ok. What’s one of your favourite tracks on the album and why?
Amerie: One of my favourite tracks is “Why R U”. To me it just captures a moment in a relationship where you are really exasperating the fact that you are really into the person that you are with. It’s not necessarily a good relationship, but it’s just a magical record. It’s the same way I felt about ‘Why Don’t We Fall In Love’. After I heard it when it was done and it was playing in my car for the first time, I just felt like wow if I can pick a record that I wanted people to hear from me first it would be this. This is really emotionally and sonically so much of who I am. Whether it was a single or not I felt like this is what people needed to hear from me first. There’s a record called ‘Higher’ that I really feel is very important. It’s basically a Rock-Soul record. Another one is ‘Tell Me U Love Me’ that I Did with Teddy Riley.

Sam: Ok so, your move from Columbia Records to Def Jam has been much documented, with many of your fans citing the handling of your last record ‘Because I Love It’ as the main reason for that. For the record, what was the reason for the move?
Amerie: It wasn’t really the handling of my last record, because it was much more than that. It was just the overall…a lot. You just need to mature. First of all, I really enjoyed working with the Columbia. Even now I am still cool with some of the people that I became friends with, but on a business level I felt like it wasn’t the best match. Then when I released ‘Because I Love It’ overseas it was supposed to have a slightly different tracklist for the States, but I could just feel all the changes going on and creatively with the label it was really hard to have something creative and have it be done right as far as marketing etc. It didn’t go the best way. I hesitated releasing the album State Side, because I was thinking about leaving for two years actually. Then I decided that I really wanted to make a change and it was a matter of negotiating out of that into Island Def Jam. LA and I have been talking back and forth for years about doing stuff so I was most interested in making the switch to Def Jam. That’s when I said “Ok, I’m definitely going to let the label know that I want to leave”. I didn’t say anything. I didn’t make an announcement or anything that I switched labels, because I just wanted to work on my project and then it would be time to let it know then. It wasn’t a bad thing at all, it was really good. I think everyone’s happy.

Sam: How are you settling in to Def Jam & how are you taking to the new surroundings?

Amerie: I think it’s great. The people are really great and I am a people person and I go on vibes a lot. It’s really important for me to gel with the people around me and they are really awesome. Not only are they really great personally, but they are also great at what they do. I feel very confident and comfortable with creating and then feeling like once I create and hand the bundle over it will be in good hands. I’m signed to Def Jam through a company that I co-founded which
That Grape Juice Interviews Amerie
is called Feenix Rising. That’s really wonderful to have my company be through a situation as well. It feels really good. I can say I am really excited. Everyone is really passionate.

Sam: We can’t shy away from the reports which surfaced on Billboard a few weeks back which insinuated there were creative differences between yourself and LA Reid prior to the finalisation of this new project, which had your place at the label in question. Would it be possible to shed some light on this?
Amerie: There was a Billboard report? What was it? (Laughs)
Sam: The report claims LA Reid said your place at the label was in question even before “Why R U” was released. Is there any truth to that?
Amerie: I didn’t even hear about that. Not to my knowledge. (Laughs). I don’t even know where that came from.
Sam: We’re in a very different climate in the industry. How important would you say sales are to you, bearing in mind both creative and the business side of it?
Amerie: Well you really want to do “Well”. With me I just want people to hear my music and really get it. I’m always saying if it were up to me I would just like pass it out to everybody for free. Just enjoy it, because I really enjoy making it. Of course, the label does not want to do that (laughs). That wouldn’t be cool, because it does take money to create the music. For me though, I just want people to enjoy the music. It’s always the music first. That’s why it’s important to have people around that are great at what they do with promotions and marketing. I get in to that. I am definitely aware of what’s going on. We have artists that are signed to us that I have to think about how we are going to market and promote them. When it comes to myself I like to stay in creative mode as much as I can.

Sam: For all your success, some of your fans feel that you don’t get the respect you deserve, do you feel underrated?
Amerie: I don’t know. When I meet different people, like when I meet different producers…like I met Teddy Riley…he totally understands my style and said all these things about what I created and my contributions to music and I was kind of floored. I feel like when you have someone like Teddy Riley who is a freaking legend and genius and they recognize what you do…and I was talking to Questlove and he was breaking down what I do. I was like wow, ‘cause he got what I was trying to do. It was so cool, because he understood where I was going with certain things. I didn’t know that people understood some things. I’m floored when I get that, so in that respect I feel like I do get my respect. When it comes to masses it’s a little different, but I feel happy with where I am.

Sam: Ok so director Mark Cross let it slip on twitter that u would be appearing in his new film titled “We Are The Champions” alongside Forest Whittaker. Can u please give us more insight on this?

Amerie: (Laughs) Well Mark is represented by Feenix Rising. We represent him as his management. Mark was totally excited and I never like to speak on things too soon. I will say that it’s early right now. That’s what I will say about his comments (laughs).

Sam: Jay-Z has recently caused quite a stir with his latest offering “Death of Auto Tune”. What’s your take on the use of autotune in the industry today?
Amerie: I think it’s really cool when a few people do it, but I’ve been saying that for the last year or two years now. First of all, I can’t say that it’s not good and this and that. Honestly, who am I to tell anyone what to do? Everyone can do what they want to do. That’s the purpose of living, to make your own choices. My personal preference is that I like when people who do use, use it well. It’s like a party and someone else should bring some other dishes and someone else should bring some other dishes…etc. I just don’t think that everyone should do the same thing, but it’s a
great example of how the music business is. Everyone wants to do the same thing for selling a “product”. They feel as though, “this is the way to do it”. “Hey did you get the memo? AutoTune is the way to do it now!” That’s not really true, but that’s how people feel. I just never understood the idea of people following someone. Even when I was little I never liked to follow the crowd. I did what I wanted to do when I wanted to, so I never felt any peer pressure. However, I think it’s a really cool thing. When T-Pain does it it’s cool and when Wayne did it, it was cool, but hey everyone does not have to do it. I think it’s good when people figure out different ways to express themselves.

Sam: If you could collaborate with one of the following: Beyonce, Rihanna, or Ciara…who would it be and why?

Amerie: I’ve been saying for a while I think it would be cool for girls to come together on the same record. I think it would be really cool to kind of mix it all up. Even with me, Beyonce, Rihanna, and Ciara, we all have very distinct and different sounds so it would be really interesting.

Sam: it really would be. What do you want your legacy to be as a recording artist?
Amerie: You know that has never crossed my mind. I have never answered that for myself. When one starts to think of legacy and stuff like that, you start to put too much weight into how other people perceive you. Even the people who leave the greatest legacy as far as in contributing something huge as far as music, television, or film the honest thing is when generations pass people forget. I think there’s a story in the Bible…what you do for here to create a certain reputation on Earth, it’s a futile thing, because in a hundred years people will forget you. Even if they do remember what you have done it will be a passing comment so the important thing is what you can do for other people that will really make a difference in their life. Things like spreading love and spreading joy, but as far as leaving a legacy as far as music I don’t really think about it like that. It’s putting too much emphasis on something that will pass away.

Sam: You are amazingly talented, educated, and a beautiful young woman…
Amerie: Thanks!

Sam:…are you dating anyone at the moment?
Amerie: I am usually very private about that. I never talk about it actually. If people really want to find out it’s not hard for them to find that kind of thing out, but I don’t like talking about it, because I want to keep something kind of normal in my life.

Sam: Who is the rudest celebrity that you have encountered?
Amerie: Thankfully I haven’t met any rude celebrities. I always feel like if you want to ask someone that, the best person to ask is someone who is not a celebrity. Celebrities tend to be on their best behaviour when you meet them, but you don’t really know.

Sam: Many of your UK fans want to know: Will we be seeing you over here anytime soon?
Amerie: Yes! I am so excited, because I just met with the International department (at the label) and we were just discussing a European run maybe two weeks ago. I think that’s actually being planned out now. They are looking at the calendar and everything, but I can not wait to go. Everyone knows that I love the UK and I love London. The International department at Def Jam knows that too so they are just trying to plan the best time, so I am really looking forward to it. I already know my favourite places to stay and where I want to go eat.

Sam: What about tour plans domestically in the US?
Amerie: That’s being planned out too. Usually I let my management and my touring agent do all that stuff and then we talk about. I don’t know, but they plan it out and map it out and then I’m like “I’ll be there”. (Laughs).

Sam: Mariah’s new single “Obsessed” premiered this week? Have you heard it what do you think of it?
Amerie: I have not heard it yet, but I knew it was coming out.

Sam: Ok. Give us 3 reasons why in this recession we should buy “In Love & War”?
Amerie: Well honestly I feel like I would love for everyone to pick up my album, because I just feel like it’s something I want to share with everyone. I think everyone will love it, but with times like this I feel like music is a great way to escape your personal issues. It’s a great form of entertainment. No, we (entertainers) are not curing Cancer or anything, this I know. However, if there was no form of entertainment on this planet, why would you even want to live? The purpose is joy and I feel like music is a great way to bring joy to people. When you are going through problems in a relationship I don’t know about everyone else, but I like to wallow in it and I want to hear a song about being depressed in a relationship. Music is universal thing energy wise. It takes you on a cruise. I just think it’s healthy to listen to great music.

Sam: Do you have a message for your fans?

Amerie: I want to say thanks for their support. My fans are really awesome. Sometimes they can be so energized I am like wow. It amazes me that my music can affect someone that way. It makes me feel great. They are so gracious and so sweet. I can never say no to an autograph unless someone is pulling me away. I answer their questions on Twitter probably in a private way like Direct Messaging. I just love my fans they are awesome.

Sam: Amerie, thank you very much for your time. It’s very much appreciated.
Amerie: No problem. Thank you.

What do you think of our interview with Amerie?
Mario - 'Boom In it (ft. Brandy)'

Arguably the most consistent R&B crooner of today, yet the most underrated, Mario continues to prep his 4th studio album ‘And Then There Was Me’ for release later this year. Meanwhile, a new song from the LP’s recording sessions has surfaced in the form of ‘Boom In it’. Produced by The-Dream and featuring none other than Brandy, the delicious mid-tempo cut sees Mario turn in a great vocal over Dream’s sparse, yet hard hitting production. Word has it this isn’t the finished track (as evidenced by Brandy’s one line – literally), something which has me salivating for the mastered version.

Hit or Miss?

{Link removed as requested}

Review up momentarily (aka I’m watching this now LOL)

In the meanwhile…
What do you think of the video?
Tameka Had 'No Warning' Of Usher Divorce If you thought the Usher / Tameka Foster divorce was going to be a drama-free affair, think again. 38 year old Foster recently revealed that she knew nothing of her impending divorce when it was first filed by the singer last month:

Usher’s estranged wife has reportedly claimed that his decision to file for divorce was a massive shock to her.

The R&B star announced that he was separating from Tameka Foster last month, after nearly two years of marriage.

According to E! Online, court papers filed by Foster have disputed her husband’s claim that the couple had been living apart for almost a year before the split.

Foster has alleged that the pair were “intimately together” less than one week before the divorce proceedings were initiated and added that she had “every reason to believe her marriage was intact”.

It is understood that the former stylist has now requested that Usher pay her legal fees and is hoping to secure financial support for their two children, 18-month-old Raymond Usher V and Naviyd Ely, 6 months. {Source}

Ouch. With rumours mounting that Usher is now questioning the paternity of the couple’s youngest child Naviyd Ely, this whole episode looks like it’ll get messier as the weeks and months go by.

Your thoughts?

Last week it was confirmed that Whitney Houston’s comeback album is titled ‘I Look To You’. The set features productions from the likes of Ne-Yo, Akon, Swizz Beats, Dianne Warren and R. Kelly who penned the album’s title track.

I remember watching the above clip little over a year ago, which sees the R&B crooner singing the song, confirming he wrote for it Whitney’s LP. Kelly will, I’m sure, be glad the cut has been placed on the final record for 2 main reasons: 1) he will be part of something the world is waiting for and, 2) “Ka-Ching!!!” Should Whitney’s album be the seller many are predicting it will be, a major paycheque for controversial Kelly would be in store.

About the actual track, I’m loving it! Can’t wait to hear Whitney’s take on it. That said, while I appreciate all Whitney’s been through, I’m hoping the album isn’t all ‘inspirational’ ballads. Ballader or otherwise, Whitney is very versatile and can churn out some winning contemporary uptempos too (See: ‘It’s Not Right, But It’s Ok’, ‘If I Told You That’, ‘Whatchulookinat’).

‘I Look To You’ hits stores on September 1st via Arista.

Your thoughts?

BET Awards 2009 Uncovered: All Is RevealedLike many, I sat there at 5am Monday morning UK time wondering why the hell I’d just wasted almost 4 hours of my life watching the BET Awards 2009 and it’s half-a**ed ‘tribute’ to the undisputed King of Pop – something only Janet’s appearance helped put into perspective.
Many questions swirled in my head: Where was the much hyped Chris Brown performance? The whereabouts of Usher, Justin, Whitney – all who were as good as confirmed for the show? Why did Beyonce – the biggest artist in the industry today and a huge MJ fan – perform her own cut ‘Ave Maria’? All these and many more, left me hella perplexed.
Well now Matthew Cherry – a former producer of the now-ended show ‘The Game’ and head of Cherry Entertainment – has come forth with behind the scenes info on the show and the last minute change-arounds that resulted in the product we saw on Sunday night. A lengthy, yet very interesting read I must say:

What’s going on world. I haven’t really blogged much since getting this account, save for putting my video work up, but after last nights BET Awards I had to say something. So many thoughts ran threw my mind last night after I watched the awards and here they are.

I did not work the BET Awards. I was there with the DP that I worked with on Girlfriends and I was there observing the show rehearsals from the control room. As you all know I go hard on twitter and the reason for a lot of my excitement was due to what I saw in rehearsal. I was one of the few people that saw the rehearsals prior to the show airing and for some reason or another a lot changed from what was originally supposed to air.

Here is what changed. Alica Keys and Wyclef were supposed to sing “Heal The World” after they accepted their humanitarian award. Beyonce was first going to sing Smooth Criminal then they changed it to I’ll Be There/Halo and then she sang something from her own album the day of the show “Ava Marie”. T-pain rehearsed signing “Rock With You” and that was on show rundown as well. I’m kinda glad he didn’t sing that though. Then on top of all of this, of course there was the Chris Brown drama. As of Friday Chris Brown was slated to perform and he was going to sing “Man In The Mirror”. I’ve heard a lot of rumors as to why he didn’t the most talked about one being that Jay-z had him pulled from the show. Not sure if that’s true but I will say this. Beyonce, Jay-Z, Al Sharpton, Joe Jackson and some of the Jackson family all sat in the front row in the same row. Jay-Z and Al Sharpton have said publicly that they do not support Chris in this situation and that they sided with Rihanna. Entertainment is way more political than a lot of you may know and the mere fact that he did not perform caused such a big distraction could you imagine what may have happened if he did. This night should have been all about MJ.

With that said I would have tweeted during the show but my phone died and all I left you with was feelings of excitement about the show. I am a director but first and foremost I am a fan of a lot of these artists and I was sitting in the crowd enjoying great music like everyone else. If my phone didn’t die trust me my messages would have been a lot different.

First off I love Jamie Foxx and I think he is an amazing talent. With that said I do feel that he promoted his concerts too much and him and Neyo performed way too many times. There are too many talented performers in the industry to have them sing three or four songs each. You can tell they didn’t have much time to rehearse as he constantly asked if the feed was on and he walked off stage numerous times when he was supposed to be on stage. That’s more of a timing thing and with two days to get ready I’ll give them a pass.

In regards to the performances. I loved the old school soul music tributes with Guy, Keith Sweat and New Edition. I loved Beyonce, Jay-z, Maxwell, The Young Ojay’s and the new Ojays. I thought Tevin Campbell was random as hell and I have no idea why he performed. I think that was supposed to be Chris Brown’s spot because on the production schedule it just had special guest named in that segment.

Here is what I hated about the awards. In regards to the lack of the presenters announcing the nominees at the time I thought was warranted but looking back it seemed rushed and awkward. I hated Don Cornelius being anywhere near a mic and I also found it odd that so many people swore when they knew the show was live. The Baby Boy skit was in bad taste and Ving Rhames…I mean what the hell was he doing. There were way more MJ tributes and cover scheduled that for one reason or another just didn’t happen. There was no news about The Game as much as they re-run the episodes and with them possibly acquiring the show I would have thought the cast would have at least presented an award. Why the hell did Young Money bring out all those kids when they where singing about fucking every girl in the world? Jamie went to the top of the balcony and did a segment with the fans everyone seemed so ghetto. Everyone was mugging for the camera, holding up CD’s and calling their boys, SMH These were the times during the show that I actually covered my face in embarrassment.

There were some positives. I love that BET honored people that weren’t entertainers and celebrities doctors, mayors, lawyers etc. Our young people need to know that you don’t have to be a rapper and an actor to be successful. A man proposed to his girlfriend during one of the commercial break, I wonder if it aired? Jamie Foxx was funny as a host and his MJ outfits were on point. Janet Jackson at the end. She was so strong for doing that. That alone made the show worth it.

All in all I am still a huge fan of awards shows, I mean, where else can you see 20 different performances in one night. I feel like BET tried to do too much and maybe they should have either dedicated an entire segment to Mike or did an entire show all about him. I definitely jumped the gun with my excitement for the show but if you would have saw what I saw then you would have said the same things I did. I so also think that it’s a different experience seeing something live rather than on TV but it is what it is. I truly hope that BET steps there game up next time and they learn from this experience.

Thanks for reading

-Matthew “Mac” Cherry


This really explains a whole lot. Nonetheless, I have yet to find valid justification for Beyonce’s performance being changed, as well as Chris Brown not performing. Jamie Foxx has since gone on to say this was to ‘protect’ Brown. I call BS, as – without sounding cut-throat -if there was one time where Chris Brown’s recent drama wouldn’t have been at the center of media scrutiny or even relevant it would be now – a time when the world is dealing with the loss of the greatest entertainer of our time. That said, the age old adage does indeed go ‘what’s done is done’. Here’s hoping BET commission a full-fledged Tribute show sometime down the line.

Your thoughts?

Milian & The-Dream Cover Final VIBEIt was confirmed yesterday that once-popular Urban magazine VIBE is the latest victim of the economic recession, and will cease publication effective immediately.
As unfortunate as this is, more unfortunate is the fact they went out with the above cover featuring Christina Milian and The-Dream. The borderline X-Rated shot comes across real desperate and looks as if they are pimping out their ‘relationship’. What I find even more hilarious is that, should they split, each will request privacy and complain about media intrusion. LMAO at some of the celebs of today.

What do you think of the cover?

As Britney Spears continues to break records with her hugely successful ‘Circus’ tour, the 28 year old’s latest video ‘Radar’ premiered today. Serving as the 4th release from her Platinum selling ‘Circus’ LP, the clip – to put it rather bluntly – was a bore-fest. Of course, first springing to mind is the fact that there was no choreography – which considering Britney’s recent showings was perhaps for the best. Above all, the actually video, it’s concept and execution missed the mark IMO.

I don’t feel it fair to judge all artists in the same vein, after all each have their own strengths. Hence Ms. Spears gets an ‘OK’ from me, and I’m sure several others, based on all she’s been through. I’m kinda looking at this period as her rediscovering her mojo. However, should she still not have re-learned how to dance and ‘bring it’ overall on her next project, a full-time mother vacancy might just be one she should take up. Harsh? Perhaps. Yet, watching her churn out mediocrity, knowing what she was once capable of, IMO kinda tarnishes whatever legacy she is to leave (See also: Mariah Carey).

What do you think of the video?

The video for the second single from LeToya’s ‘Lady Love’ LP, ‘She Ain’t Got’ premiered a few hours ago. Directed by Bryan Barber the clip marks the first time we’ve seen the singer take the uptempo route for a single and it works fantastically. Put simply, Ms. Luckett nailed it. Though I’m a little on the fence about the budget (then again, there’s a recession going on), the video does an awesome job of capturing the ferocious essence of the song. The attitude, the swagger, the choreography…all really good. Here’s hoping this the gas which gets her project moving. ‘Lady Love’ hits stores August 25th.

Tidbit: This is exactly how I envisioned the ‘All Eyes On Me’ video from LeToya’s debut. While some of LeToya’s mid-tempo’s are standouts, I must say I really prefer her uptempo offerings.

What do you think of the video?

Mariah Carey Channels Eminem In 'Obsessed' Video
Peep songbird Mariah Carey on the set of the Brett Ratner directed clip for her latest single ‘Obsessed’ in New York yesterday. To be honest, I thought the rumours of the song being about Eminem was all good PR and the lyrics were ambiguous, however judging by these hilarious pics, Mimi is letting us know who it’s about loud and clear! I’m actually anticipating this! Word has it the vid will premiere on July 13th.

Mariah Carey Channels Eminem In 'Obsessed' Video
Mariah Carey Channels Eminem In 'Obsessed' Video Mariah Carey Channels Eminem In 'Obsessed' Video

Recent events meant the surfacing of Mariah’s album cover for ‘Memoirs of An Imperfect Angel’ kinda went under the radar. Check it out below, it looks very Mariah circa 1997. I like:

Mariah Carey Channels Eminem In 'Obsessed' Video

Your thoughts?
