“They would like to see Kanye West give me a problem because I’ve worked myself into a space where I’ve become the favorite,” Fif told SOHH exclusively. “Everybody roots for the underdog when he goes against the favorite.
“Put it like this,” 50 told SOHH. “Let’s raise the stakes. If Kanye West sells more records than 50 Cent on September 11, I’ll no longer write music. I’ll write music and work with my other artists, but I won’t put out any more solo albums. [Listen to the audio here]
“And I bet this, when Kanye West’s sales come in, he’s gonna have a 70% decrease [the second week] ’cause Def Jam is gonna buy records to keep him closer to 50 Cent,” the Queens rapper added. “So watch the first week and then watch the second week. Watch his @#* drop off the planet. We keep our angles covered before we make a decent bet.”
50 is really becoming laughable. I’m guessing he thinks he’s creating a buzz around his CD by playing up to this ‘face off’, yet he’s coming across like a fool. Instead of feeding into the hype, Kanye is releasing great singles and building genuine interest around his project. For that reason, as well as 50’s cockiness, more people are likely to pick up Kanye’s CD {Itunes Pre-orders show West to be in the lead already}. I’m hoping Kanye comes out on top, so 50 can go sit down somewhere.
Your thoughts?