Zayn Malik To Change Stage Name?

Published: Monday 6th Apr 2015 by David

New direction. New name?

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After parting ways with the Pop group One Direction the singer Zayn Malik is reportedly putting plans in motion to change his stage name, allegedly set to start his solo career with a new sound and moniker.

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4 Music reports:

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Zayn’s birth name sounded the same, however it was spelt Zain. It was during the X Factor process that Zayn changed the way it was spelt as it was thought Zayn was more rock ‘n’ roll.

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A source close to the One Direction boys told fan site “Now that Zayn is no longer a part of One Direction, he wants to move on from the band and get on with his normal life – and that means ditching the name.

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“It’s not a drastic change, as Zayn was only ever a stage name and he just feels like he’s outgrown it.”


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  1. BeyIsKing April 6, 2015


  2. Barb-wire April 6, 2015

    Why is this news?

    • Toohotfortv April 6, 2015

      Y’all are nuts. Obviously he will have to change that name. Just like Destiny’s Child in the other post. I’m sure his former label and/or management has all rights to that name. That is the oldest trick in the book . It’s been going on for years… I mean, think of even Tina Turner had to fight for her name. The music business is a dirty game.

      • AmbeRussell April 6, 2015

        Smart or I have a better example…Prince. NLT person ok now who is world famous with a symbol as a name

  3. Music Lover~ April 6, 2015

    He’s a cutie.

    • Skyfall April 6, 2015


  4. Cicistan April 6, 2015

    He slays tinashe

  5. blue April 6, 2015

    he should keep it, make its easier on his fans to look for his new music

  6. Blue Ivy Rodriguez April 6, 2015

    He should change it to Zayn Malik like Justin Tumberlake or Kelly Rowland

  7. King B > ur fave April 6, 2015

    Doing too damn much!!! Sigh

  8. TheElusiveLamb April 6, 2015

    Hasn’t he done enough changing? #CutsForZayn

    • Skyfall April 6, 2015


  9. MISHKA April 6, 2015

    TGJ, You were never kin to talk anything 1D-related until now so why the sudden change? *Beyonce’s voice*

    If Zayn is really trying to turn his back on fame, well boy bye.

    But if he’s trying to launch a solo career then I find it utterly unprofessionnal to break up with the band in the middle of the tour and trying to change his name and all that stuff.

    In fact I don’t think this has anything to do with music or fame. His attitude makes me actually think that he’s gonna pull a Cat Stevens. Only time will tell.

    • Bitchplease April 6, 2015

      What did Cat Stevens pulled?

  10. Skyfall April 6, 2015

    baby daddy can’t wait to hear our solo material


    Chile, the amount of racism he faced just for being in that group is completely unacceptable! I just hope that he doesn’t exhibit that same behavior towards others, whether it may be privately or publicly. The One Direction stans already hate him for lying as to why he left, so if he really wants to win while battling his former group he better play it safe and cute.

    • OMG Logic!!! April 6, 2015

      Chile… Pakistani isn’t a race. It’s a nationality. He’s still technically Caucasian.

      • Skyfall April 6, 2015

        But he’s still Muslim and has faced racism because of his religion, just yesterday Bill Maher or whatever they f*** compared him to the Boston bomber. He will face discrimination becaaue of his religion, and nationality, but hopefully he can overcome it as he slays vocally and physically.

      • WHO ME? WHO YOU, CHILE? HA HA HA! (QUEEN SLAYANNA) April 6, 2015

        Boo boo kitty, I already knew that. I was simply stating how he has been alienated from the group ever since he joined it o behalf of the One Direction fans. My impact, my power! Yes! Dismissed, gurl!

  12. Bitchplease April 6, 2015

    He’s so hot 🙂

  13. SliqNick April 7, 2015

    Relevance of this post?

  14. You wanna be on tv I bet April 7, 2015

    Good luck to him whatever name he choose as his stage name

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