Barack Obama, like millions across the world, watched in horror as the US experienced yet more deadly shootings – this time in El Paso and Dayton.

In both instances, the gunman have been linked to racist ideology – more specifically white supremacy.

The result has been mass debate about a hate speech, gun control, and more. Especially with Donald Trump‘s divisive response; a response which opted not to deem the incidents domestic terrorism.

Now, the former President is weighing in and he did not hold back – addressing many aspects of the discourse head-on.

His powerful statement below…



Marianne Williamson stands tall as the star of the latest round of Democratic primary debates following a game-changing performance on Tuesday night.

How? By detailing her plans to eradicate the disease that is systemic racism and urging her fellow Democrats to address racism, bigotry and injustice freely and openly to address the needs of an electorate who many believe has been taken for granted.

Watch highlights below…



Marianne Williamson may have found herself eclipsed by more experienced and established politicians during the latest round of Democratic debates but that’s done little to stop her from keeping the flame that is her rising support base alive!

The Presidential candidate leads the charge on a spirituality front and has been keen to stress how important it is for the world to combat Donald Trump’s divisiveness nature with love and policies which inspire unity amongst Americans.

Why so many are falling in line with her message?

Watch below…



Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are said to have called on their friend Donald Trump to rescue ASAP Rocky from the Swedish prison he is being held in.



The success of Patti Labelle‘s Walmart desert range has inspired her to create a frozen soul food line for the company.

Sweet news below…



Kamala Harris returned to ‘The Breakfast Club‘ following her brilliant performance at the 2020 Democratic debates to engage in an open discussion about all things politics with its hosts DJ Envy, Angela Yee and Charlamagne Tha God.

The Presidential candidate has been rising in the polls after derailing Joe Biden’s campaign by shedding light on some of the more questionable chapters in his political story and made her way to the ‘Club’ to capitalise on her moment.

There, she also revealed that she knows she is being targeted by Russian bots. Bots, who also manipulated the world into believing that the majority of real Americans were opposed to Colin Kaepernick‘s peaceful protests.

Watch below…



Kamala Harris has her eye on the White House but has found herself swimming behind the likes of Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden on a poll and popularity front.

So, she is now determined to set the record straight on a number of issues she feels may be standing in the way of her win by addressing them head on.

First on the agenda?

Her record on crime.

Watch her discuss that, her problem with Donald Trump, and more on ‘Face the Nation’ below…




Marianne Williamson made her way to ABC’s ‘The View’ to discuss how she’d change the world if she became the President of the United States and found herself faced with a series of tough questions launched at her by the show’s hosts.

Perhaps her most difficult interview to date, her conversation with the ladies saw Meghan McCain and Whoopi Goldberg work hard to find flaws in her plans and policies and face claims that her message, though well-meaning, is eerily similar to Donald Trump’s.

Will it hurt her campaign?

Watch below….




Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is undoubtedly one of the most beloved, respected and powerful figures in global politics.

Dedicated to fighting for the marginalised and promoting equality where it is needed most, the congresswoman is aware that she has a major part to play in the forthcoming election because many expect her large base to vote for whoever she chooses to endorse.

Who that may be?

Find out what she revealed during an interview with This Week below…



Rihanna and Meghan Markle are said to have bonded over their love of music, people, privacy and philanthropy.

Full story below…



O.J Simpson is tired of being disrespected and is ready to reclaim his fame and the stories which surround it by launching a Twitter page he says will set the record straight!

Read below…



A high school valedictorian has claimed that her school made a cowardly attempt to silence her tribute to the slain African-American teenager Trayvon Martin.

Watch the upsetting moment below…

