Ray J On Whitney Houston : “I Lost My Close Friend”

As one of Whitney Houston‘s closest friends, the world has waited to see how R&B star Ray J would respond to her untimely passing now.

Today, he has released an official statement with pertains to her passing.

Get into it below…

He confessed:

 Over the past few days, I’ve tried to process the emptiness that I am experiencing.  What my heart feels cannot be expressed in words.  The world lost an icon, but I lost my close friend.

Nippy, I miss you so much!  Nippy was a nickname Whitney’s dad gave her.

You were so happy and full of love.  Your smile will live in my heart forever.

With Ray cited as being one of Houston’s ‘bad influences’, we’re sure his statement will strike up heavy debate.

For, while some will see it as a heartfelt message to a woman he truly cared for, there are those who question if Ray really had Whitney’s best interests at heart, and if he used her for his own attention seeking ploys.

Your thoughts?

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  1. trucie February 17, 2012

    i believe he’s one of the few ppl outside of her immediate family who truly cared about Whitney. It’s a terrible loss.

  2. gio88 February 17, 2012

    I dont’ understand why people wanto to find the guilty guy for whitney death , SHE was the first cause of her death (for drugs abuse ecc..), THEN others people like Bobby Brown ecc…

  3. Royalkev February 17, 2012

    I think Ray J enjoyed the attention he got from being in the spotlight with Whitney on their outings. He thrives off of that. Still, there’s no doubt in my mind that he genuinely cared for Whitney and wanted to see her healthy and happy. He was harmless and seem to treat her better than her ex- husband did.


  4. gio88 February 17, 2012

    I love her but i don’t understand fans that say “he was a bad influence on her” “it’s his flault for her death” ecc… she has a Brain and has a own will.don’t forget it.

  5. MISHKA February 17, 2012

    Some people knew who the real Whitney was, and Ray-J is probably one of them.

    I don’t what Whitney wrote to Brandy but I think she should let the world know tomorrow, or else she’s going to be asked about every time she’s out to promote something.

  6. Royalkev February 17, 2012

    @ GI088

    I see where your coming from. Your right, at the end of the day you can’t blame anyone for your own actions. I think what people are bitter about is the mistreatment she dealt with from Bobby. He was a womanizer, that direspected Whitney and introduced her to drugs. Whitney stated (in her 2009 interview with Oprah) that she didn’t do drugs on her own and that she did everything with her husband. There are a few people that claim to know different, that supposedly was close to Whitney (like Jennifer Holiday), but that came out of the horses mouth. It’s evident that Whitney was a superstar for years, way before Brown was in the picture and there wasn’t an indication of any drug problems until after he came in the picture. Still what you said is true, we have choices in life, but it’s sad what so many sacrifice for love. Love can build you up, but it can also ruin you.


  7. YOOSONDALOOSE February 17, 2012

    Awwww… but anyways, they were more than friends.

  8. richnblack11(just like bey) February 17, 2012

    February 17, 2012 at 12:39 pm
    Babe no shade but Whitney was on drugs before bobby even came in the picture, if anything I think Bobby got her hook on mixing weed and crack in her blunts.

  9. Always love you, Whitney (RIP) February 17, 2012

    He’s better than that asshole bobby brown. And they were dating.

  10. richnblack11(just like bey) February 17, 2012

    Also I think Ray J is coming from the heart on this one.

  11. JERMAINE February 17, 2012


  12. BAA February 17, 2012

    There is NO WAY N HELL AND I MEAN NO WAY N HELL Whitney was on drugs before she married Bobby. Whitney didnt start acting crazy until she married Bobby. If u marry someone and constanly around them all the time, im pretty sure ur going to start doing what they do. Case n point; Bobby got Whitney on drugs. And the most craziest thing i have heard about Whitney and Ray J, is that Whitney was only hanging with Ray J to stay relevant WTF! The crazy ass man that said this must have been on drugs his self.

  13. @antertain February 17, 2012

    I believe him when it comes to Whitney.
    Ray J been close with her for many years.

  14. Royalkev February 17, 2012

    @richnblack11(just like bey)

    I have to ask, why do you say that Whitney did drugs before Bobby? Are you saying that because Jennifer Holiday was on CNN making these assumptions? People that have never supported Whitney always come up with this logic in thinking that Whitney was doing drugs prior to meeting Bobby. They make their truth, ours! Whitney has 3 successful era’s before he came along. There weren’t any signs of drugs in her interviews or in her work. I wouldn’t even make a case out of that if her problems remained hidden during the Bobby years. What was so different about those previous eras than when Bobby was around that allowed her to hold up better? Once he came around the decline in Whitney was very visible and immediate.

    *For the record Holiday was very disturbed when Whitney sung her ‘And I’m Telling You’ song in an American Music Awards medley(which included ‘I have Nothing’ ) . I’m sure she’s still harboring some feelings of resentment.


  15. MRB February 17, 2012

    @JERMAINE No actually Whitney was doing drugs before she met him! Which was dated back in the 1980s!!!!!! She married him in the 90s!!!!! She might not have been on drugs as bad til she met Bobby but she was on drugs back in the 80s!!!!!!!

  16. B Lamont February 17, 2012

    It kills me to watch people make sooo many generalizations and assumptions about people they don’t even know. Only the people in Whitney’s life can comment on the things that happened. BTW, Jennifer Holiday is not the first person to make the claim that Whitney experienced drugs before Bobby. And just because you see Whitney the glamour woman on TV, does not mean that’s who she was as a person. That was just a persona for the type of artist she was billed to be. And to be quite frank, it’s been reported that at least one of her brothers was on drugs himself, so who’s to say that he didn’t introduce them to her. And like Jennifer said, the industry is full of drugs, I’m sure it didn’t take Bobby or anyone else that you think to introduce them to her. At the end of the day, you can’t blame Bobby or anyone else for Whitney’s actions. The tragedy is that although she made those mistakes, she was on the path to fighting through them and persevering, but something happened that caused her to lose her life; something that we don’t have the answers to yet. So what you should all do is stop ASSuming you know the answers because you don’t.

  17. BAA February 17, 2012

    Jennifer was just mad that Whitney sang her sung better than her. I wonder if she got mad at J Hud. Not! She know Whitney Vocals >> her vocals

  18. Royalkev February 17, 2012

    I’m aware that some others have stated that Whitney has taken drugs prior to life with Bobby, but that has all been speculation. You’ll find that people tend to do that alot with someone of Whitney’s caliber. It has also been said by many that Brown influenced her when it came to drugs as well. It all hearsay.

    I think that the focus isn’t on what was the cause of her death (I’ve been expressing for a while that it’s too early to pass judgement), I think this coversation is mainly about Whitney’s life in it’s totality.

    Whitney was a glamorous woman, but I don’t think people are getting caught up in her image and thinking she’s was incapable of doing something so awful, I think what people are realizing when you compare her previous life to her life with Bobby Brown is that there was an extreme difference. Whitney obviously wasn’t in control of her habbit enough to seem so put together in the mid 90’s on, so how could she be in the 80’s? What gave her the staminia then?


  19. TRUTH February 17, 2012


  20. Sterling Infinity February 17, 2012

    My prayers go out to Ray j, Brandy, Whitney’s family & bobby brown
    Also to everyone who loved and were touched in some way by her music and life.

  21. B-ROCKANMOSTAN February 17, 2012

    I feel like Ray was one of the few people that actually cared about Whitney or Nippy as he stated. I think that this is a terrible lost for the world but someone has lost a mother, a daughter, a sister and a friend. All I want to say is let’s keeps this POSITIVE.

  22. voneeluv February 17, 2012

    it seems like everybody in that celebrity world did drugs in the late 70’s early 80’s cocaine was considered the rich mans drug eddie murphy, whitney, rick james, natalie cole, jennifer holiday, james brown, El Debarge, David ruffin, nell carter, river phoenix, john belushi, janis joplin i could go on and on with names of those dead or those who managed to over come, notice most the names mentioned were frequently in the same circles. though it was considered the rich mans drug i always wondered is that why whitney said crack is whack cause it was a cheap drug not like the expensive pure coke she was getting. there is something called a functioning addict . it means someone who is doing drugs but there are no obvious signs that the person is doing drugs. so whit could have been a functioning addict in the 80’s then it got exposed when she used more or harder forms of the drug

  23. JohnVidal February 17, 2012

    The thing is we DON´T Know s***!
    That´s why people have to mind their own business and stop hating on people cos of their personal problems, privacy, appearance, etc
    Who are u to say maybe this Ray J was a bad influence? You don´t know s*** so u need to shup up.
    We also don´t know when the problems exactly started. But who cares? It´s obvious that Bobbi Brown destroyed her life in a way (I´m not saying he didn´t have his good things, if not Whitney would have not fallen in love). This was said by Whitney herself in the Oprah interview. The most honest interview I´ve ever seen. She described how he disrespected her, and how that started one night after an event when they arrived to their home and he spitted at her cos he was jealous. That´s when it all started. But she wanted to make it seem like her marriage was working so she started to behave with less kindness with the media. That´s when it all started. And of course the media started to bash her (a part of the media, and the retarded and bad paople who follow that media)
    So apart from the drugs (we don´t know, although I think she also said it starte darund the Bodyguard era) Bobby Brown was one big factor in Whitney´s personal decline. And must be hell to suffer all that in front of the world, non stop for like 15 years, jokes and all
    It´s so sad all of what happened with her. All I know she´ll live forever cos she is a true legendary pop music artist and the world we´ll remember her forever like very few
    RIP gorgeous girl. Now the pain has ended

  24. Geezy February 17, 2012

    For the record Whitney had been using cocaine during the 80′”s and her use for the high started becoming a major problem during The Preacher”s wife era.

  25. Jasmine February 17, 2012

    I don’t think I’ve read where anyone blames Ray J for anything. I mean when I see pictures of them together they both look like they were high but at the same time both are full grown and responsible for their actions. That is the same for Bobby Brown. Whitney was always 6 to 7 years older than him and there is no way she did not know he was doing drugs while they were courting. No one gets married without dating and moving in together first so I never blamed him for turning her on drugs, just likely the type of drugs he was doing (crack) was likely different than what Whitney was doing (cocain) but there is no proof of that other than the interviews. I don’t think Bobby or Ray J were good influences on her but obviously they were in her life for a reason only she knows.

  26. B_STANNING (RIP WHITNEY) February 18, 2012

    first i loved whitney like i loved mj its like who will ever hit a note like whitney no one will. Bobby did help whitney go down and regardless of what ppl say he introduced her to drugs and as sad as this is im so glad whitney is with GOD and she can finaaly rest now.

  27. Therealnippy February 18, 2012

    Everyone keep saying Bobby introduced drugs to Whitney. Well people have introduced lots of things to me but, I’ve seen what it do to people so why would I accept. There’s nothing wrong with saying no, some people are just to week to stand on there own. I always felt like celebrities lived the good life, but in reality they are miserable and use drugs to cover up the loneliness and emptiness they feel inside. I think they need a lot of and counseling and prayer! RIP Whitney

  28. mandz February 18, 2012

    Is it just me or am I wrong in wondering why none of you see the logic in the fact that if Whitney wasn’t on drugs too – why on earth would she date and eventually marry a known druggie??? If she was so squeaky clean n innocent what was she doing mixing with a druggie & clearly having so much in common with him that she married him and had his child??? I sure as hell would not gravitate towards a known druggie if I saw him at a party because I have nothing in common with people on drugs, plus they would be bored with my company as wll coz I’m not into their druggie get togethers!!!!! Birds of a feather is a true saying and stop all living in a dreamworld imagining Whitney was some sweet innocent little thing and Bobby Brown ‘introduced’ her to drugs!!!! That’s just illoogical … And now I also read that her daughter is also an addict??? I have no sympathy for parents who screw up their kids lives whilst knowingly killing themselves with drugs and/or alcohol! It’s selfish and irresponsible and just coz she’s dead now people say how wonderful she was….yes, best voice ever but she was a mother who chose to break her daughter’s heart and leave her a legacy of drug addiction to face alone without her mother to guide her ….its disgusting!!!!!!!!

  29. Another Star February 18, 2012

    So So Sad

  30. bringthanoize February 19, 2012

    Whitney was no angel- her crafted record companypublic image, before she met Bobby.

    Bobby Brown didn’t introduce Whitney to cocaine powered nor freebase she was using drugs back when she lived in NJ in fact her brother was the 1st person whom she ever sniffed cocaine with.

    Bobby Brown was a known weed smoker & drinker not a coke head before he married Whitney.

    Ray J is a drug dealer connect to the stars.

    Who was eating the hamburger and drinking the beer in Whitney’s room the night she died- Ray J?

    4 is synonymous with death in Chinese culture.

    Whitney was on 4th floor in room 434 4+3 +4 = 11 while the soulless partied the ritual kiiling night away.

    Clive Davis spelled backwards is- Siva (destroyer) Devil C.

    The Music Industry is evil & demonic- point blank.

  31. Rell February 20, 2012

    All you silly ppl who think Bobby got Whitney hooked on drugs are just that…silly. Whitney was a self-proclaimed party girl way before Bobby came along. Ask Eddie Murphy or Randall Cunningham who both have said as such. She was NO stranger to cocaine nor heroin. Her drug problem (and yes it was a problem back then, just covered up really well), got worst with Bobby. She introduced him to coke and heroin and the rest is history. But he will forever shoulder the blame for her addiction only because she was marketed as the “good girl” and he the “bad boy” of New Edition. I loved loved loved Whitney Houston but, I am not dumb to the fact that she was flawed…just like EVERY other human being. That being said, if she indeed was on the wagon then fell off once she got with Ray J then… maybe all that guilt is from playing on her low self esteem, convincing her she needed plastic surgery and supplying her with drugs and exploiting her celebrity for his own personal gain. Which is shy he is now trying to distance himself from her death. You may have these ppl fooled Ray-J but I’m on to you. Something about you is real fishy. “Close friend” my ass. With friends like him…

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