Report : Drake Faces Young Money Legal Battle

They may be one of Pop culture’s highest earning brands, but if court documents released today are anything to go by- Young Money financial dealings are set to land them in hot water.

Details below…

Last week, it emerged the man credited for discovering Drake – James ‘Jas’ Prince was readying to take legal action against the Rapper’s management company for cutting him out of his lucrative contract with the group and his label Young Money.

Mirroring claims by New York’s Big Fendi who is responsible for taking Nicki Minaj to the same label, Prince claims that despite being promised a cut of Drake’s earnings for making the introduction, he has not seen a single dollar since the artist’s launch.

However, that is not all Prince is purporting.

For, according to the New York Post, upon carrying out his own investigation into why he hadn’t paid, he claims to have discovered that Drake himself is yet to be paid royalties owed him.

This, prompting the performer  to seek legal action against the label and his management company for ‘stiffing him’ out of millions.

Court documents here.

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  1. #RihannaNAVY July 30, 2012


    • Rihanna Navy #2 July 30, 2012

      why is he always doing his lips like that, it’s so f****** annoying. long hair don’t care for YMCABCEDFDon’t give a f***.

      • Ugh July 31, 2012

        lol….Trey songz does a similar thing with his lips. it’s so not s***

    • JENNY JONES!!! July 31, 2012


  2. monstarebel July 30, 2012

    Sorry to hear gur, Just go get ur hair and nails done with nicki everythings guna be ok divaaaa!!

    • Pop Royalty ( F*** Yo Fav) July 30, 2012

      ROTFL .

  3. FAFRELOADED July 30, 2012

    Ppl need to start making individuals sign CONTRACTS… w/o that, nothing is legally binding.. Idc who you think you found/made famous, Fendi tried & failed! NO contract = It didn’t happen… Be smarter in business decisions, ppl!

  4. AmericanBoyyy July 30, 2012

    check out our vids subscribe comment thanks! if you can thanks #ABOYYY

  5. Credits July 30, 2012

    Drake hasn’t received his royalties yet……really?

    • Pop Royalty ( F*** Yo Fav) July 30, 2012

      this is what lil Kim meant by a “bottom” i guess , he always waiting to receive !!! like h*** having s** for free !!

      • mobwife July 31, 2012

        🙂 LMAO

  6. Young Money July 30, 2012

    There is no way at all that Drake will leave Young Money.

  7. Tammi July 30, 2012

    Next will be Nicki. Greed is a hell of a drug

  8. YouDoRealize… July 30, 2012

    He used them to get to where he is. In the next two years I am sure that he will dropped YMCMB.

    • jill July 31, 2012

      I agree. He’s not going to be with them much longer, it always happens that way. He’s going to end up with Kanye or Jay-Z.

  9. LTM July 30, 2012

    Im confused. So Jas discovered Drake and introuduced him to Drakes current managers and the label Young Money. They agreed to sign him to the label and have those two manage Drake as long as Jas gets a percentage of what Drake gets. But neither Drake or Jas have gotten paid yet? And thats why Jas is sueing? If thats right why isnt Drake sueing too? I know I look dumb but Im lost lol

    • LTM July 30, 2012

      *percentage of what Drake earns

      • Tammi July 30, 2012

        I read somewhere that Drake was complaining about millions he did not receive. So Drake will probably will sue also

      • mobwife July 31, 2012

        I thought this line was about Drake:

        “This, prompting the performer to seek legal action against the label and his management company for ‘stiffing him’ out of millions”

  10. Tammi July 30, 2012

    Fans go all out for their face just for the record label can get rich.

    • TAMMI July 30, 2012

      correction – for their fave ^^^

  11. ty July 30, 2012


  12. S****** Blonde July 30, 2012

    Who is this guy?, i think i saw him in a Rihanna’s video.

    • MC July 30, 2012

      lol! you are going to get eaten alive…. xD

      • S****** Blonde July 30, 2012

        Hahaha, i taste good.

    • Benron (F*** you h**) July 30, 2012

      He as the producer of Rihanna’s national geographic special.

    • Pop Royalty ( F*** Yo Fav) July 30, 2012

      i think she was that b**** in “te amo” or somethin’ ?

  13. ImMadAsHell July 30, 2012

    YMCMB can’t afford to pay people because they busy paying off Radio not to play the competition to their ulaltented, like Nicki & most of all they buy their artist music. Baby must have stop trying for Nicki PFRR because that’s just throwing away money.

    • FAFRELOADED July 30, 2012

      Why can’t anyone pay to get Lil’ Kim’s music back on radio?……….. I’ll wait…………..

      • Benron (F*** you h**) July 30, 2012

        Why do you stay dissing kim, no1 really cares as much as you…

      • TheTruthHurts July 30, 2012

        Why is Lil Kim such a constant worry and mainstay in that black jellybean sized brain of yours? Better question, why isn’t EMPLOYMENT occupying your life? Moral support ain’t doing s***,. Mow a few lawns, step yo change purse up and actually BUY your faves music…you ADMITTED crumb snatchin bum.

      • FAILUREReloaded July 30, 2012

        Point out where Lil Kim’s name was featured in this article.

        Talk about PRESSED. You’re definitely a Kim fan.

      • k July 30, 2012

        @FAILURER FAFRELOADED mentioned her dumbass next time actually read

      • k July 30, 2012

        nevermind dismissed self

      • mobwife July 31, 2012

        Why should anyone have to pay for the privilege of having their music played on the radio? If there was a FAIR, BALANCED & TRUE media we, the FANS OF MUSIC would have the range of music we once had! Now RADIO OWNERSHIP like music video stations, and music mags are controlled by a handful of sources. They dictate what you hear, read and see about every artists in the game. If they like you they play your sh*t if they don’t they wont it’s a simple as that. And by “LIKE I do mean MONEY EXCHANGED HANDS TO SELL YOU AS AN ARTISTS!

        YMCMB, ROC Nation/Def SCAM Records and the like operate out of the same trick bag. Don’t be fooled folks!

    • HARLEM July 30, 2012

      You are right YMCMB buying all their artists albums plus paying the radio stations to play their music. Power 105.1 in NYC plays Drake songs every 15 to 20 minutes. Tyga, Nicki & LilWayne they play every half hour. Once and a while they throw in another artist song. I stopped listening to them

      • HARLEM July 30, 2012

        Also Lil Wayne, Nicki album was not all that hot to sell 800k in it’s first week. Wonder who’s going to be next to sue their ass.

      • mobwife July 31, 2012

        Yep there is a local Pop station I had to stop listening to that plays rihanna every 3rd song, & drake, justin bibber, 1 direction, the wanted, flo rida, adele, nicki minaj, jayz/kanye TWICE AN HOUR! Every now and then you will hear other atists. it’s just not worth listening ot the radio when its this controlled!

      • Sarah July 31, 2012

        Why buy the CD when they keep playing the same songs from the CD over & over. The radio station play at least 4 songs from one CD. We as fans go all out our way to request our fav songs for them to not get played because of this payola s***. I stopped listening to the radio last year, I really don’t see the need to listen because I have most of the songs that I download from itunes. I have many CD’s with different artists on them. (Mix CD)

  14. NO STARS EVER July 30, 2012

    I would hate if people made money off my questionable talent.



  15. BEYONCE’S WEAVE July 30, 2012

    Drake is one of the most talented rappers out there, second to only Eminem, pay him his royalties YMCM. I am now a Drake stan after he selflessly, patriotically and unconditionally performed a public service by knocking Chris Brown with a bottle. This guy deserves a Gold medal for his public service because he was bold enough to do something everyone in the court of public opinion was dying to do.

    Drake, should you choose to sue to get what is owed to you, I will support you all the way. Your talent has no bounds, no one in the game besides Eminem can touch your rap skills, you’re that good, that talented, that much of a Hip Hop force that any label is itching to sign you. There is no way any record label would be willing to let you go seeing that you shifted 700K copies in one week which is about 300% more than what Chris Brown shifted world wide (which is why he cried to his Twitter followers and through a Twitter tantrum by blocking them, what a p****). Drake, go get your money, you deserve every penny.

    • BEYONCE’S WEAVE July 30, 2012


      • HARLEM July 30, 2012

        That b**** ass n**** Drake, he should go to motherfucking jail for not just Chris but the other people who got hurt in his bottle throwing s***. I hope YMCMB don’t pay Drake s***. F*** that n****. And as for shifted 700k in one week well we all know that YMCMB bought most of those CD’s just like they paid off the radio stations to not play other artists songs, but to play YMCMB artists.

      • mobwife July 31, 2012


        Thank you! People are to stupid to see the game that’s being played! You can’t compare NONE LIKE ENTITIES. I learned that concept in elementary mathematics. How can you compare ppl who are favored and pushed by the MACHINE which controls all radio airplay, music vidoes and press given about an artists to those who do not receive the same favored treatment? There is a reason the media focuses on certain ppl, always trying to tear them down while constantly propping up others no matter what they say or do!

        Some folks are just sheep that follow anything the media says….. “Uks 1 Direction & Canada’s Justin Bieber are the hotest, most exciting performers in the world. They are better than the Beatlles and Michael Jackson…blah blah”

        ***Damn FOOLS

    • TheTruthHurts July 30, 2012

      Go get yo face caught in a pencil sharpener. How stupid do you sound?

    • Pop Royalty ( F*** Yo Fav) July 30, 2012

      don’t disrespect Eminem by putting him with Drka in one sentence. Eminem is a Legend and respected WW , drake is a bottom b****.

      • HARLEM July 30, 2012

        Drake got the most ugly nose. That s*** is HUGH LMFAO

    • Rihanna navy July 30, 2012

      @beyonce weave, b**** STFU.

    • LTM July 31, 2012

      ———-> _/

    • mobwife July 31, 2012

      You sound like a f*cking fool!

      You don’t throw bottles in a crowded club them run to the bathroom like a nasty “power bottom”. That’s just straight b*tch behavior. No one deserved to to maimed and injuired be it Chris Brown, Tony Parker, Teyana Taylor, Kea Tran, Big Pat or any of the many FEMALE TOURISTS from Austriala, Africa, UK, & Sweden. NOBODY DESERVED TO BE ATTACKED like that you lunatic…. NOBODY!

      Drake is B*TCH of the highest order! Funny he jumps bad with R&B artist Chris Brown but wont say or do sh*t to COMMON, PUSHA T, LUDACRIS, or DMX who all called his fake a$$ out. Screw “wheelchair Jimmy” and his Birdman/Baby YMCMB bought CDs!

      ….YAWN, come again

  16. ENOUGH ONIKA July 30, 2012

    Well, when a label over-ships a flop album by a million plus (Nicki) that no one is or will buy, you loose a lot….

  17. Realdude July 30, 2012

    i wouldn’t be suprised i ymcb owes drake money. its known fact ymcb don’t pay producers

    • mobwife July 31, 2012

      But they do buy copies of their top artists CDs to keep up appearances. I said it below, Drake better be careful or he might find out some stuff he didn’t want to know tyring to sue YMCMB!

      • MRB July 31, 2012

        THe YMCMB have been doing this for years! Cheating people out of there money!!!! Drake and Nicki would actually do better without the camp!!! Birdman and Wayne will always steal there money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Just Google Kelsnetwork and see what happens! July 30, 2012

    drake pursing his lips like trey songz…..

  19. Tbozfan10 July 30, 2012

    So none of you are even going to wait for any more evidence to come to light? You are just going to go ahead and believe it without knowing any details? Come on y’all, Atleast learn what you’re talking about first.

    And pop royalty the only bottom b**** here is you. You really think you’re clever with those lines you learned in Jr. high.

    • Nana Applehead LovesSwift July 30, 2012

      That is why they said “REPORT”. They know its unconfirmed!!

  20. ASAP (As Sincere As Possible) July 31, 2012

    And the downfall of Young Money has begun. Good riddance 🙂

    • truth tea July 31, 2012

      begun? its been going on for the past 6 months lol.
      Common > drake
      Pusha T > Lil Wayne
      Lil Kim > Nicki Minaj

  21. truth tea July 31, 2012

    why hasnt he been charged for the bottle-throwing incident injuring people yet? im f****** tired of celebrities getting away with everything.
    chris brown shouldve went to jail aswell.

    • mobwife July 31, 2012

      B**** have several seats, stop being a hater, and learn to how to both READ & THINK for yourself!

      >It was DRAKE and his crew, a GAGGLE of MALES, who attacked not only CHRIS BROWN’S table but several other INNOCENT VICTIMS at the W.i.P. Nightclub in NYC.

      >Chris Brown, NBAs Tony Parker, CBs bodyguard Big Pat, gf Kea Tran, Teyana Taylor, the men but MOSTLY WOMEN at CBs table, & NYC tourists from Austrilia, Africa, Sweden, & the UK were ALL ATTACKED!

      >Chris Brown was at Club W.i.P. to CELEBRATE his “little sister” Teyana Taylor signing to Kanye West’s G.O.O.D. Music Records. Neither Chris Brown, Tony Parker, Teyana Taylor, Kea tran, Cbs bodyguard nor any of the many WOMEN THAT WERE MAIMED & INJURIED are in anyway shape of form RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT FIGHT AT W.i.P. Nightclub. So STFU & GTFOHWTBS

      • truth tea July 31, 2012

        are you a f****** idiot? chris brown should have went to jail for BEATING THE S*** OUT OF RIHANNA.

      • Sarah July 31, 2012


        Rihanna should have went to jail for starting the fight with Chris while he was driving.

  22. truth teller July 31, 2012

    Maybe Drake doesn’t realize that no one ACTUALLY bought his CD…that YMCM bought all that s***, and thus is recouping the sunk cost of the CDs by withholding royalties? (this is just hypothetical, i’m sure millions really did buy his CD.)

  23. mobwife July 31, 2012

    LOL YES,

    The problem is that Baby “Birdman” under the gauze of YMCMB buys alot of their top artists CDs to give off the illusion of their company & artists popularity. Those earnings Drake now seeks might very well been used for those purposes. Drake and those dame yikes a$$ eyebrows better be careful or he might expose the HOUSE OF CARDS that is YMCMB. ijs

  24. mobwife July 31, 2012

    @truth tea


    TONY PARKER at a press conference in PARIS, FRANCE :

    “I was with my friend Chris Brown and me and my friends took some punches. They started throwing bottles at us from everywhere. I don’t know what happened.”


    INTERVIEW: W.i.P. Doorman Ruben Rivera Talks Drake, Chris Brown, and NYC Nightlife

    “I don’t know why all these people are coming here tonight because there are a lot of celebrities that are confirming the last hour since we got there. All we knew that was happening was that Chris Brown was coming there. I got that e-mail. But all these other celebrities just started filing in that night and we weren’t prepared for that.”

    ‘Hey, these guys are celebrities. Let’s put them in the room.”’They are A-List celebrities. Drake—nobody expected him to do something like that.”

    > Right, DRAKE nobody expected him to pull some sh*t like that! Drake a$$ should be in jail but when you are a non-American, and SOCIALLY CONSTRUCTED as “wheelchair Jimmy”, maiming, inuring, and destroying property in America is not a crime obviously!

  25. mel July 31, 2012

    Young Money won’t be around much longer, lil wayne music sucks. Nicki is going leave and so is Drake, I said this months ago. YMCMB downfall begins……..

  26. Julian July 31, 2012


  27. Sarah July 31, 2012

    Why buy the CD when they keep playing the same songs from the CD over & over. The radio station play at least 4 songs from one CD. We as fans go all out our way to request our fav songs for them to not get played because of this payola s***. I stopped listening to the radio last year, I really don’t see the need to listen because I have most of the songs that I download from itunes. I have many CD’s with different artists on them. (Mix CD)

  28. Jazmine December 5, 2012

    Wow. Look at all of these off-topic comments by Drake haters. I just want to say that half of these comments are a disgrace by very possibly, sub-par people living sub-par lives. Also, last time I checked Eminem has done nothing legendary except be white and a rapper…Vanilla Ice already took that spot as the first-white boy rapper as far as I’m concerned…Womp womp womppppp

  29. Sallyone July 30, 2013

    Drake should have signed with Jay when he had the chance….

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