A Very Merry Christmas From That Grape Juice!

Published: Friday 25th Dec 2015 by Sam

From myself (Sam) and all of us here at That Grape Juice, we take this opportunity to wish you – the TGJ faithful – a very Merry Christmas.

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2015 has been particularly great for That Grape Juice, yet none of that would have been possible without all of YOUR support. From the longtime readers to those who may be visiting for the first time. To the dedicated commenters. To the RT’ers and LIKE’ers. Everyone. 

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We are so very thankful for you all.

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So here’s hoping you soak up all the happiness the holidays have to offer.

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Merry Christmas!

Tidbit: Be sure to keep to locked on TGJ today and over the Holidays – we don’t “do” days off!

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Comments 22

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  1. #JACKIE December 25, 2015

    Merry Christmas to all and a prosperous new year!

    Side note: where’s Anti?!?

    • Tyler Makiavelli December 25, 2015

      One word, NoRihLeaseDate.

  2. Your MADGEsty (Madonna Stan) December 25, 2015

    Merry Xmas Everyone.
    I know this page is filled with GRIM, FILTHY, CUT-THROAT SHADE and doctorate level READINGS but, deep down, most of us on this page have come together like a cyber family… Fundamentally, it’s all LOVE!!!
    I hope everybody’s holiday are full with hope, happiness and positivity, including you SAMANTHA… and certain delusional Hive members and MentalMerry Xmas Everyone.
    I know this page is filled with GRIM, FILTHY, CUT-THROAT SHADE and doctorate level READINGS but, deep down, most of us on this page have come together like a cyber family… Fundamentally, it’s all LOVE!!!
    I hope everybody’s holiday are full with hope, happiness and positivity, including you Samantha as well as certain delusional, mentally and psychologically fuqed up members of the hive, c-squad and navy and even my faves fans!
    Until the shading recommences on Jan. 1st. ?
    MWAH. ENJOY… Love this site and love ya’ll.

  3. Your MADGEsty (Madonna Stan) December 25, 2015

    Ah, *mobile site typo*

  4. ANTIvirus. December 25, 2015





    *Commenced Hive Dragging*

  5. ANTIvirus. December 25, 2015

    Merry Xmas though.


  6. Janet Jackson. December 25, 2015

    I’m a Muslim…

    WTF is a “Christmas”? Is that the Christian version of “Eid or Ramadan”?

    I’ve just had my vocal surgery and I’ve been heavily sedated so I’m not thinking straight!

  7. Anti (hives scared of R8) December 25, 2015

    Merry Christmas grape!!

    Wow people worried about ANTi?? At this point she doesn’t need one. Rihanna got HoHOHos pressed with no album. When you see yo missing hairline that’s how you’ll know.

  8. Da realest December 25, 2015

    Merry Xmas to everyone!!!!!!!

  9. ENOUGH ONIKA (NEW & IMPROVED) December 25, 2015

    Merry Christmas #WheresAnti?

  10. #TeamTinashe Stan December 25, 2015

    Merry Christmas!

    • Career Ender December 25, 2015

      Bye Robocop!

      • Mariah The Legend December 25, 2015

        Bye African scarecrow.

  11. No favs, just here for the music December 25, 2015

    Lmao @ some of these comments above.

    Thanks so much TGJ! Merry Christmas everyone!!!

  12. Mariah The Legend December 25, 2015

    merry Christmas everyone except the basic bitxhes, beyhive and the poor African scarecrow called Career Ender.

  13. Mariah The Legend December 25, 2015

    everytime tyler makiavelli comes out, hailbeysus comes out. hailbeysus is tyler. LMFAOOOOO
    i caint wait for this irrelevant flop bitvh to get exposed for trolling with multiple emails. oh hunny the dragging will be severe!!!!!! Ask slay_hive. he got dragged to OBLIVION when Skyfall exposed him as Prismatic. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

  14. Barb-wire December 25, 2015

    Honey, no one answered the question… Where the fuxck is AntiChrist?

  15. Lake Erie December 25, 2015

    Merry Christmas Everyone!! ??

  16. King Stephy December 25, 2015

    Merry Christmas!

  17. @JanetCIARA_ December 26, 2015

    Merry Christmas yall!

  18. another taken day something ain’t wrong December 26, 2015

    Merry Christmas and happy new year.

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