Chris Brown Rape Accuser Says Case Is Still Ongoing

Published: Thursday 31st Jan 2019 by David

The young woman who accused Chris Brown of rape has urged the public to ignore claims that she was found to be lying.

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The investigation, contrary to these reports, is ongoing.

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The lady made headlines when sources from within Camp Chris revealed that he had been accused of rape during his recent trip to Paris.

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The days following the star’s release saw him deny the allegation as several media outlets reported that the case was closed because his accuser was found to be a liar.

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This, unfortunately for all parties, isn’t true.

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‘The Blast’ nabbed this exclusive….

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Franck Serfati, who is representing the 23-year-old woman who accused Brown and two friends of rape, tells The Blast, “The departure of [Chris Brown] from France, and the other two people implicated, does not affect the continuation of the police investigation, which will continue despite their physical absence.”

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The woman who accused Brown of rape gave an interview with the French gossip site Closer, which was the first outlet to report on the charges.

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“It’s still too difficult for me to explain in detail what he did,” she said (the interview is in French, so we’re using Google translate), “but it was brutal and violent. He was threatening and aggressive. I was very afraid.”

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Brown revealed that he is planning to sue her for defamation of character and has urged his fans not to believe the story.

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  1. DanYiel Iman January 31, 2019

    I’m waiting to see what’s really going ON!!??‍♂️

    • Tyana Jones January 31, 2019

      The case is dropped it’s over she lost Chris IS W.

  2. Interac January 31, 2019

    He needs to keep better company.

    • Tyana Jones January 31, 2019

      By means?

  3. Brent Christopher January 31, 2019

    Chris Brown DESPERATELY needs to stop hanging in large crowds of hanger on “bros” now that he is damn near 30. Stop combining your professional & behind closed door personal life. He absolutely did NOT r*** this French w****, but when you & yiir boyd are inviting European trash back to the room, expect opportunistic escapades such as THIS!

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