That Grape Juice Interview: Brandy

Following a four year hiatus from the limelight, Grammy Award winning R&B star Brandy made a return to the charts recently with the release of her 5th studio album ‘Human’.

In this candid interview, the 29 year old opens up to That Grape Juice about being underrated, album sales, her 6 year old daughter Sy’Rai, Beyonce being her inspiration, her love life and so much more. As ever, we don’t shy away from the questions you really want answers to. A lengthy, yet great read. Enjoy.

Brandy Shouts-Out That Grape Juice
Sam: Hey Brandy, how are you?

Brandy: I’m good. How are you?

Sam: I’m great, thank you.

Brandy: I love your accent, by the way.

Sam: (laughs) Thank you very much (laughs)

Let me just start off by saying it really is a pleasure speaking with you.

Brandy: I appreciate it.

Sam: There was an overwhelming response from both our readers and your fans alike when we announced we’d be interviewing you. With it now being almost 15 years since you first burst onto the scene with ‘I Wanna Be Down’, how does it feel to still be anticipated today?

Brandy: It feels amazing. You work so hard to touch people and to relate to people, so when they start with you and finish with you, it feels like there’s a sense of loyalty there. They (my fans) are always there and supporting me. I always say, I feel like my fans have always believed even me, even when I haven’t believed in myself. It just feels so good to have people support you throughout the years.

Sam: After a 4 year hiatus, this past December saw the release of your 5th studio album ‘Human’ – which I must say is truly phenomenal, I love the album…

Brandy: Thank you.

Sam …tell us a little about what inspired the album’s title and direction?

Brandy: Well, I will definitely say, whilst taking the time off and going through difThat Grape Juice Interview: Brandyferent life challenges – through the ups and downs, as well as the things I’ve seen, I just wanted to sing again. I wanted to sing about what I’ve experienced. Share with people (what I feel have been) some of my challenges and obstacles. I wanted this album to reflect who I am as a person. Definitely, have songs on the album, which people can relate to and feel like they aren’t alone in their situations as well. I just realised, at the end of the day, we are all in the same boat. We are all trying to get to the same place. That place of love. That place of success. I wanted this album to take you on a journey through that. That is the main reason I decided to call the album ‘Human’, because at the end of the day that is what we all are. We’re just living our lives.

Sam: That’s great. As well as serving as your return to the limelight, ‘Human’ also saw the creative reuniting of yourself and hit-maker Rodney ‘Darkchild’ Jerkins (‘The Boy Is Mine’, ‘What About Us’ etc). Evidently important to you when listening to tracks such as ‘Piano Man’, how did your reuniting with Darkchild come about?

Brandy: We had been trying to work together again for years, but timing and scheduling made it hard to get into the studio with him. When he did eventually hear that I was doing a new project, he wanted to be involved. One of the first songs I heard – that he played to me – was ‘Right Here (Departed)’ and I just totally related to the song. It really spoke to me in a different way than any other song I have ever recorded, as it was what I was going through at the time. You know, just having friends and family by my side and people that I can depend on (during the difficult times). I feel like a lot of people need that and a lot of people have that too. So I thought it was a great song to sing and just express myself with. With Rodney being the person who produced it, I, of course, wanted to go from there because of our history and all the music we have made in the past. It felt like the right thing to do. It felt like home for me, because we work so well together and we have a great chemistry. So, I wanted to see where that chemistry would take us creatively this time round.

Sam: The album has a much more Pop/International sound in comparison to your past efforts. Was this a conscious choice?

Brandy: It was a conscious choice, as I wanted the music to be a lot more universal. Radio is playing anything now; it really doesn’t matter if it’s Urban, if it’s Pop, if it’s Country. Everyone is getting a shot at being on multiple radio stations. I wanted this album to be something everybody could enjoy. I wanted it to be a well-rounded, universal album.

Sam: Which is most definitely is.

Upon its release, the album debuted respectably at #15 on the Billboard 200 chart, selling 73, 000 copies in its first week. With the industry being a very different place compared to prior years, what’s your take on the album’s performance? What are your hopes for the album in the long run?

That Grape Juice Interview: BrandyBrandy: I really try not to focus on the sales or chart position anymore, because you never really know (what can happen). I just try to give my best work and make the best music that I can make. That’s why I tend to keep my focus, because if I get caught into all of that, I can get discouraged, I can get depressed, and whatever. You know, this business is so different nowadays. It’s really hard to sell records. Of course, you want to sell records and you want to do well and you want to be at the top of the charts. However, I don’t make that my primary focus. My focus is just to make good music that people can listen to, enjoy and really feel. That is my whole purpose as a musician – to share my gift with other people.

Sam: Most definitely. A lot of your fans are very eager to find out what the album’s next single is (to follow-up ‘Long Distance’). I know there have been some murmurings about ‘Piano Man’ and ‘True’. Could you shed any light on what the next single will be?

Brandy: I really like ‘First N Love’. I really like that song a lot. Of course, I love ‘Piano Man’ and I also love ‘True’. But I don’t know, I think the fans should decide what the next single should be. I think they are leaning towards ‘Piano Man’, more so than any other song. At first, it seemed as if there was push for ‘First N Love’, but it seems as if they are leaning towards ‘Piano Man’ and I want to give them what they want…

Sam: So potentially ‘Piano Man’?

Brandy: Yes!

Sam: Also, you have a collaboration with John Legend on his current album (‘Evolver’) called ‘Quickly’. There has been increasing talk about this possibly being a single. Is this a likelihood?

Brandy. I hope so. I keep hearing about it, just like you. I don’t know for sure, but I really hope so. I really love that song and love the message in the song. John Legend is such a great artist, so to sing on a record with him is such a blessing. I can’t wait to actually perform the song with him and do a video – that would be a lot of fun. So I have my fingers crossed on that.

Sam: There has been increasing talk that a re-release of ‘Human’ is in the pipeline. Is there any truth to this?

Brandy: Yes, we (myself and the label) have been talking about a re-release of the album. But I don’t know for sure yet…

Sam…I ask because, there tracks such as Freedom, Drumlife, After The Flood, One Thing etc which have people wondering what will become of them.

Brandy: I don’t really know. The ‘Freedom’ song was recorded a while back, as was ‘Drumlife’ and ‘After The Flood’. They were songs that didn’t make the album, which was kinda disappointing as you can’t put all the good songs on the album – even when you want to. I will say that I really love all of those songs, though.

Sam: You thanked producer Timbaland in the ‘Human’ album ‘Thank You’s’, yet none of his work made the album. Will he be working on your future projects? It’s rumoured he’ll be doing something on your next album.

Brandy: Yes, absolutely. I am going to work with Timbaland on my next album. He is one of my favourite producers; his talent so versatile. He can do anything. What’s more, he really loves me as an artist, which always feels good and makes me feel like I want to do my best and impress. It always makes you want to work harder when the producer you’re working with is a fan, as they always want to give you the best material possible. Timbaland has always had that attitude and I just can’t wait to get back into the studio with him. He’s amazing.

Sam: Awesome. A lot of your fans are keen to know what’s next for you promotion-wise. There was some talk of you going on Oprah, yet many aren’t sure what happened with that. Could you please clear the air on that one?

Brandy: Hmm. With the Oprah the situation, the show wasn’t going to be about the album. I didn’t want to put myself in a situation where it wouldn’t have been good for me in terms of my personal life. I mean I’ve touched on some things in my personal life, but to go into heavy detail (about certain things), I don’t think would have been the best thing for me. So that’s why the fans didn’t see me on Oprah. I would love to do Oprah in the future, though. I love her show; I’ve been on there a couple of times. I want to go on there and sing and share what music is to me as well as how much it means to me (and it wasn’t going to be a show about that this most recent time).

Sam: While ‘Human’ is your priority at the moment, have you started thinking about the direction of your next record? In terms of producers, sound etc, have you started thinking about album #6?

Brandy: Absolutely. I started thinking about album #6 while I was recording album #5 (laughs). That Grape Juice Interview: BrandyI really can’t wait (to start working on it) because I want to work with a lot of different people; like of course Timbaland, Tricky Stewart and The Dream, Stargate and Ne-Yo. There’s so many people I want to work with and I feel like I’m going to have the opportunity to work with all the producers I’ve ever dreamt about collaborating with and I look forward to it. You just never know where creativity is going to take you. So I don’t have a direction yet, but I definitely know who I want to work with.

Sam: I know it’s, perhaps, too early to be speaking about it now, but, in terms of potential release dates / time-frames, is a new album something we can look forward to this year or perhaps later?

Brandy: I just know that it will be sooner rather than later. It’s not going to be (another) 4 years from now. It’s not going to be 2 years from now; it might not even be a year from now. I’m just going to keep going until I can’t go no more. I promise my fans that and I’m going to stick to my promise, because I know they’ve waited for years. They’ve stood by me for so long, so I can’t and won’t put them through that big of a wait again. And that’s a promise (laughs).

Sam (laughs). Despite selling over 25million records, some still consider Brandy to be underrated. What’s your take on this? Do you feel like you should be receiving more recognition than you do?

Brandy: I think it’s all up to me. It’s the quality of the work that I put out. I feel that in my future I’m going to create something where people are not going to be able to deny it, they are not going to be able to say “this is not her best”, or any of that. It’s up to me to work hard for that. I will get the credit that I deserve one day, if I continue to work hard and do what I’m supposed to do. But that’s another thing I try not to think so hard about, because I’m very appreciative of the people that do love me and do see what I have. But yeah, I’m going to keep working hard to win the Grammy’s and everything else that I am supposed to do in my destiny.

Sam: Your vocals, vocal arrangements, harmonies and runs have become somewhat ‘trademark Brandy’, with many of today’s R&B artists, including Keyshia Cole, Rihanna and Chris Brown listing you as being one of their inspirations…

Brandy…that is so sweet…

Sam: (laughs). With that said which R&B artists of today inspire you – both vocally and more generally?

Brandy: I would have to say Beyonce; I really like her style a lot. I think she is one of the greatest singers of our time, one of the greatest performers of our time. I really like her a lot. I really like Rihanna a lot; I think her voice is so unique. She sings songs that really put her vocals out there. Who else do I like? I like of lot of people. Of course, Mary J. Blige and Alicia Keys, they’re great as well – I would also say I’m inspired by them also. The new girl on the scene, Jazmine Sullivan! I think she is unbelievable. I’ve known about her for a very long time – before anyone else knew of her. She’s always been great and I’m so happy to see everything happening for her the way it is.

Sam: If there was anyone – active now or in the past – you could collaborate with, who would it be?

Brandy: My God (laughs). It would have to be Sade. I would love to do a duet with Sade.

Sam: Ok. You recently changed management over to Roc Nation – Jay-Z’s venture with Live Nation. Could you tell us a little about how this came about and what it means moving forward?

Brandy: I really like Roc Nation. Jay Brown (former Def Jam exec and now Roc Nation staple figure) is really a great manager, he’s a great guy, and he has so many dimensions to who he is – as an A&R, as an executive. I think it’s great for my music career, as he’s so musically inclined. He manages, probably, every producer in the game right now. I look forward to seeing what we can create together along with Knockout. I’m still attached to my mother and my brother (who run Knockout). We’re all going to put our heads together and see what can happen in the future.

Sam: For the record, what exactly transpired between yourself and Kelly Rowland? Rumours have been rampant for the longest while about what cooled your friendship. Could you please shed some light on this?

Brandy: Our friendship hasn’t ended. We just don’t hang out as much as we used to. It’s just one of those things where you grow apart and go down different paths, you know what I mean? That’s it. There’s no…

Sam: Drama? (Laughs)

Brandy: No drama (laughs). It’s interesting; no one has asked me that before. There’s no drama. I have so much love for Kelly. We we’re actually born on the same day. So (there’s) no drama. We’re just on different paths.

Sam: Your beautiful daughter Sy’Rai is now 6 years old. How do you juggle being a mother as well as an artist?

Brandy: It’s very hard. To be a mother it takes a lot of quality time. For me, right now – because I’m working so hard with the project, I have to create quality moments that we can both remember. So I have a lot of special moments with just the two of us. I just balance it out. I have a lot of help around me too; I have my mum, my cousin helps me with her too. We balance it out and it seems to work out great. I miss her a lot, that’s for sure, because I’m so used to being withThat Grape Juice Interview: Brandy her all the time.

Sam: After an initially iffy break-up, you have gone on record to say all is well with you and Sy’Rai’s father Roy. How would you describe your relationship with Roy today?

Brandy: We’re friends. We are partners in raising our daughter. It’s great to have a relationship where there’s no drama. You hear all over the world about parents who are no longer together having drama; I’m just happy that we don’t have that issue. I encourage every parent out there to make amends with their ex-partners, because it’s really good for the child and, you never know, you could be missing out on a great friendship for you both. That’s how I look at it. It’s worked out with me and Roy to be a situation where we can be great friends and raise our daughter together, which is a beautiful thing. I’m really blessed to have that.

Sam: Very. Are marriage and more children something you envisage for yourself in the future?

Brandy: Absolutely! The clock is ticking (laughs)…

Sam: (laughs)…

Brandy…I tell myself everyday “It’s not too late, it’s ok, it’s not too late!” I definitely want the marriage and more children…of course! I love being a mum and I love being loved as well, so I look forward to that. I just work hard on bettering myself and continuing to be a better me, so I can be ready for that when it happens. Because I know it’s going to happen…I know it… it just has to! I can’t be single for the rest of my life. (laughs). That would not be a good look…that would be horrible (laughs).

Sam: Which brings me to my next question – are you currently dating anyone?

Brandy: No! That’s the problem (laughs)! I’m not, but trust me I really want to. I’m not going to settle (for anything substandard), I’m going to choose the right person for me and we’re going to go from there. It’s like “God, at least let me get some candidates up in here to choose from!” (laughs)…

Sam: (laughs!)

Brandy: But it happens to the best of us, doesn’t it?

Sam: It happens to the best if us.

Both: (Laughs!)

Sam: You recently performed your smash ‘The Boy Is Mine’ with Monica in Atlanta. How did that come about and can we expect more in the way of duets from you two in the future?

Brandy: I reached out to Monica while I was in Atlanta and I invited her to the show. I was telling her that I was basically going to promote on the radio that our duet was going to be a surprise, although everyone had pretty much figured out it was going to be Monica. But anyway, we talked and I asked whether she’d be down to sing ‘The Boy Is Mine’ and she was like “I don’t remember the words!” I’m also bad with remembering some of the older stuff; however I happened to remember ‘The Boy Is Mine’. So we were practising on the phone and going back and forth and I was telling her the words. We did that and (come show-time) she came on stage and did her thing and I did my thing. She actually performed one of her songs on my set and it was just a great night for me. Atlanta was just so much fun and there was so much love in the room. Just to have Monica there to surprise everybody with that was just…unforgettable. I think people really enjoyed seeing us together on stage.

I’ve talked to her plenty of times about doing another song together or maybe even doing an album together. She seems to be all for it. We both just want to make sure we have the right material. We’ll see what happens. But we’re definitely in conversation, we talk very often now and it’s great to have her in my life. I feel we’re going to move forward and do some great things together.

Sam: Kind of a random question here, but do you watch any of your performances on Youtube?

Brandy: Yes, sometimes I do. Especially when I know I’ve done a good job, then I’ll go watch it. But if I feel like I didn’t do a good job, then I won’t watch (laughs!)

Sam: (laughs!)

Brandy: I know I’m supposed to because it’ll help me not do it again, but it’s almost like I lived it and I know I should not do what I did on the last show again ever (laughs). So I don’t watch the bad stuff.

Sam: ‘Moesha’ was a big part of many of our childhoods – my own included. Will you be embarking on anymore TV projects in the future?

Brandy: Yes. I am actually taking meetings for TV projects now. It’s just about finding the right project, because ‘Moesha’ was very special and made a big impact. It also inspired a lot of people. So whatever I do, I want it to have the same foundation. I don’t want to do something just to be on television. I’m really trying to find the right project to do.

Sam: Do you keep in contact with any of the Moesha cast, such as Countess Vaughn (Kim Parker) or Shar Jackson (Niecee)?

Brandy: I haven’t spoken to them in a long while. I recently met with one of the creators of the show and he gave me an update in how everyone was doing, so hopefully I’ll talk to them in the next week or so.

Sam: Many of your fans would love for clarity on the track ‘Black Pepper’ (from the ‘Afrodisiac’ recording sessions. Will we ever hear it?

Brandy: I can try and see if we can hear the track. Absolutely. But I haven’t heard it since I done it, so I don’t know where it is. I’m sure Timbaland has it. I can check on it for you guys for sure.

Sam: That’d be great. We haven’t seen you here in the UK for a while now. Will we be seeing you soon?

Brandy: I’m on my way! Around March / April.

Sam: We definitely look forward to seeing you. Do you have any tour plans?

Brandy: Tour plans? Yes, I do. I want to go overseas first and say ‘Hi’ to everybody as I haven’tThat Grape Juice Interview: Brandy said ‘Hi’ in a long, long time. I want to do some shows over there and maybe come back and plan a tour for everywhere, but right now I just want to get out there and see everybody before I do a tour.

Sam: We’re rounding up now, so we’re going to do a quick word association game. I’m going to throw out a few names and you tell me the first thing that comes to mind.

Brandy: Ok, sure.

Sam: Beyonce…

Brandy: Awesome

Sam: Barack Obama…

Brandy: A hero

Sam: Ciara (UK pronunciation – “Ci- Ah-Ra”)

Brandy: Who?

Sam: Ciara (US pronunciation – “Ci-Eh-Ra”)

Both: (laughs)

Brandy: Young Janet

Sam: and Brandy…

Brandy: A rainbow! (laughs)

Sam: When life sometimes gets a bit too much, and it takes to much effort to keep a smile on your face or keep your spirit up, what do you do to make yourself positive and smiling?

Brandy: I go play with my daughter, pray and write in my journal.

Sam: Also before we go, would it be possible to give us a quick acapella of your new single ‘Long Distance’?

Brandy: Sure…

Sam: Thank you very much, Brandy. It’s much appreciated. Do you have any message for your fans?
Brandy: Tell them that I love them so, so much and thank you for everything. Thank you for making me shine and I really appreciate them. Without them I am nothing. It’s really true.

Sam: Thank you very much!

Brandy: No worries. It was great speaking with you.


Brandy’s brilliant new album ‘Human’ is in stores & iTunes now. Do be sure to pick up a copy.

Your thoughts on the Brandy interview?

LeToya Preps 'Lady Love' For 09 Release

Our friends over at are reporting that former Destiny’s Child star LeToya Luckett is set to release her sophomore effort ‘Lady Love’ on March 24th next year.

Luckett has been working with Chris Brown, Missy Elliott, Ne-Yo and more on the follow-up to her 2006 Platinum certified (self titled) debut. It’s being said that a track written by Mr Irreplaceable himself (Ne-Yo) is a strong contender for first single.

I’ve said this many a time, but LeToya’s first album stands as one of the most solid and consistent R&B efforts in recent times IMO, so I sure anything am looking forward to this new record.

Are you checking for LeToya’s new album?

51st Grammy Award Nominations The nominations for the 51st Annual Grammy Awards were unveiled during a CBS prime-time concert special last night.
Leading the field with a whopping 8 nominations is rapper Lil’ Wayne, followed by Coldplay (7 nominations), and Ne-Yo, Jay-Z, and Kanye West – who all racked up 6 nominations a piece.
Brits Leona Lewis, Adele and Estelle also scored major nominations.
Check out the list of nominations in the main categories below. Click here to see the FULL list:


Chasing Pavements – Adele

Viva La Vida – Coldplay

Bleeding Love – Leona Lewis

Paper Planes – M.I.A

Please Read The Letter – Robert Plant & Alison Krauss


Viva La Vida Or Death And All His Friends – Coldplay

Tha Carter III – Lil Wayne

Year Of The Gentleman – Ne-Yo

Raising Sand – Robert Plant & Alison Krauss

In Rainbows – Radiohead


American Boy – William Adams, Keith Harris, Josh Lopez, Caleb Speir, John Stephens, Estelle Swaray & Kanye West, songwriters (Estelle Featuring Kanye West, artist)

Chasing Pavements – Adele Adkins & Eg White, songwriters (Adele, artist)

I’m Yours – Jason Mraz, songwriter (Jason Mraz, artist)

Love Song – Sara Bareilles, songwriter (Sara Bareilles, artist)

Viva La Vida – Guy Berryman, Jonny Buckland, Will Champion & Chris Martin, songwriters (Coldplay, artist)




Jonas Brothers

Lady Antebellum

Jazmine Sullivan


Detours – Sheryl Crow

Rockferry – Duffy

Long Road Out Of Eden – Eagles

Spirit – Leona Lewis

Covers – James Taylor


Love & Life – Eric Benet

Motown: A Journey Through Hitsville USA – Boyz II Men

Lay It Down – Al Green

Jennifer Hudson – Jennifer Hudson

The Way I See It – Raphael Saadiq


American Gangster – Jay-Z

Tha Carter III – Lil Wayne

The Cool – Lupe Fiasco

Nas – Nas

Paper Trail – T.I.

Congratulations to all the nominees – most especially the Brits. I’m particularly proud of Estelle and Leona. The Grammy’s are undeniably the most prestigious body an artist, of any nationality, could wish to be recognised by. So it really is a big deal seeing some of home-grown talent flying the flag.

Winners are announced February 8th 2009.

What do you think of the nominees list?

Jamie Foxx Preps 'Intuition'Oscar winner Jamie Foxx is taking a break from Hollywood to release ‘Intuition,’ the follow-up to 2005’s ‘Unpredictable’, this December:

Due Dec. 16 from J Records, the set is preceded by the single “Just Like Me” featuring T.I., which is the top debut this week at No. 48 on Billboard’s Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart.

The track, which was co-written and produced by the hitmaking team of the-Dream and Christopher “Tricky” Stewart, goes to digital retailers on Tuesday.

“Intuition” will also feature contributions from Timbaland, Ne-Yo, Sean Garrett, Salaam Remi and Carlos McKinney, among others. It’s the follow-up to 2005’s “Unpredictable,” which has sold 1.98 million copies in the United States, according to Nielsen SoundScan. {Source}

I seem to be among the few who felt ‘Unpredictable’ really wasn’t that great (a few songs aside, highly overrated IMO), so I’m definitely hoping this new CD showcases Jamie’s undeniably awesome vocals with better material.

Your thoughts?

Usher Prepping 'Worldwide' Album Despite Usher’s last album ‘Here I Stand’ having hit stores just a few months ago, the R&B crooner is already readying the follow-up. Check out the report via Billboard below:

Usher plans to make his next album a “worldwide entertainment experience.”

The singer, who launches his One Night Stand Ladies Only tour on Sunday in Atlantic City, N.J., told during a conference call that his follow up to this year’s platinum “Here I Stand” will be “all about adapting new musical styles in creating a unique blend between what I know works here in America and what I know will be appreciated worldwide. I may go to France and do some work. I may go to London … Japan.

“There’s tons of artists I want to work with abroad. I can’t give you specific (names) but I am interested in working with artists who are out of the range I’m accustomed to. I want to try new things.”

Usher said he hasn’t started recording but that the album would be the next thing on his docket, following the tour and an “ensemble” movie that’s among the film projects he’s considering. He might dig into some existing material — “There’s tons (of songs) leftover from all four albums I’ve done,” Usher acknowledged but added that “When I work I work … based where I am and what my story is at the moment,” meaning his focus will likely be on fresh material.

‘Worldwide’ or not, here’s hoping the album is actually good this go-round. It’s good to see that he’s thinking about his next release already as a several year break just isn’t going to work. Especially with the likes of Chris Brown and Ne-Yo jostling for his position – a position many already believe them to have claimed.

Your thoughts?

Your Top 5 Songs Of The Moment?You know the deal; That Grape Juice, once again, wants to see what you all are listening to. Which 5 tracks have you got on constant rotation at the moment? Remember, it doesn’t have to be limited to Urban music; could be something new, Throwback, even something you made yourself LOL. Drop a comment in the comments section. Mine are – in no particular order:

1) Single – Ne-Yo
2) Invisible – Jennifer Hudson
3) So What – Pink
4) Live Your Life (ft. Rihanna) – T.I.
5) Bring It All To Me (ft. JC Chasez) – Blaque

What are your ‘Top 5 Songs Of The Moment’?
Beyonce LP Pushed Back? According to the NY Daily News, Beyonce’s hotly anticipated still untitled album may be hitting stores a little later than expected:

The singer’s new album was due at her label Wednesday morning in order to make an announced Nov. 18 release date, but insiders tell us there have been problems.

“It’s not going to be completed,” said a source close to folks who’ve been working on the CD. “She’s got to get it out early in the fourth quarter, when there’s so much competition among artists.”

Part of the delay may be due to Beyoncé’s busy-than-ever acting schedule. The beauty spent months filming “Cadillac Records,” in which she plays Etta James, and she’s also working on the psychological thriller “Obsessed.”

Another time-consumer was a duet with Justin Timberlake – the source says the two didn’t like the way it was turning out and kept doing it over until they got it right.

Plus, claims our insider, “She clashes with Max Gousse, her father’s guy who’s involved.”

Beyoncé’s dad, Matthew Knowles, asked us, rhetorically, “How would he not be involved? He’s the vice president of my company, and she’s recording with my company.”

And Gousse is the man who convinced her to record Ne-Yo’s “Irreplaceable” – which became her biggest hit to date.

Still, the source counters, “Jay-Z encouraged Beyoncé to bring in Jay Brown and Ty Ty [Tyran Smith]” – both of whom have worked with red-hot singer Rihanna.

Beyoncé will release two singles, “If I Were a Boy” and “Single Ladies,” this Tuesday.

The chief of Sony BMG Music, Rob Stringer, got on the phone last week to tell us, “She has an enormous number of very talented people doing whatever they can to make it the best record possible.

“Normally I would lie low, but we think the first two singles will be utterly huge. They’re two of the best songs of her career. Beyoncé is incredibly hardworking, and [the album] is 97%-98% done. It’ll be out before Nov. 20. Frankly, we think the whole record is going to be huge.”

I’m gonna need Bouncy’s album to drop ASAP – which at this junction, is the November 18th that was previously announced. Stans, haters and all those in-between know the drill by know; a Beyonce release is an event. Roll on November…scratch that…roll on next week – the debut of Beyonce’s new singles ‘If I Were A Boy’ and ‘Single Ladies’.

Your thoughts?

Jay-Z & Stargate Form LabelWith Jay-Z having just finalized his multi-million dollar deal with Live Nation; reports are circulating that the rapper has formed a new record label with hit-makers Stargate – the duo behind big hits from the likes of Beyonce, Ne-Yo, Usher, Mary J and more:

Hot on the heels of his deal with Live Nation, which reportedly has the live music promotions giant contributing $5 million each year in overhead for five years, $25 million to finance Jay-Z’s external acquisitions and investments, plus $10 million per album for a minimum of three albums within the deal’s term, as well as aanother $20 million for other rights including publishing and licensing, Jay-Z is reportedly in the process of starting a new joint venture project with Norwegian based production crew Stargate.

The Stargate team of Tor Erik Hermansen and Mikkel S. Eriksen will join Jay-Z in the formation of the StarRoc record label imprint. {Source}

There really is no stopping Jay these days, is there? With Stargate on board, it’ll be interesting to see what the label will deliver in terms of artists and overall sound.

Any thoughts?

MOBO Awards 2008 Nominations That Grape Juice was on hand at the MOBO Awards 2008 Nominations Launch at the swanky Beach Blanket Babylon restaurant here in London yesterday. As I’m sure many of you know, the annual show celebrates the undeniable presence of Music of Black Origin in the contemporary music scene. The event, which was largely populated by press outlets, saw the nominations announced, as well as the show’s hosts – Mel B aka ‘Scary Spice’ and Rev Run.
Estelle leads the field with the nominations, notching up 5 noms. Check out the full list below:


Dizzee Rascal
Jay Sean
Taio Cruz


Leona Lewis


Bryn Christopher
DJ Ironik


Alicia Keys
Chris Brown
Jay Z
Kanye West
Mariah Carey
Mary J Blige


Beenie Man
Busy Signal
Tarrus Riley


Courtney Pine
Guy Barker
Lizz Wright
Tony Kofi
Yolanda Brown


Kirk Franklin
Tye Tribbett


D’Banj Mo Hits Allstars
Hip Hop Pantsula
Jua Cali
Magic System


American Boy – Estelle
Dance Wiv Me – Dizzee Rascal
Lollipop – Lil’ Wayne
Low -Flo Rida
Wearing My Rolex – Wiley


Chris Brown
Jay Sean


Dizzee Rascal
Jay Z
Lil’ Wayne
Lupe Fiasco


Bashy – Kidulthood to Adulthood
Estelle – American Boy
Leona Lewis – Bleeding Love
Tinchy Stryder – Stryderman – Heartbreaker


Alicia Keys – As I Am
Estelle – Shine
Leona Lewis – Spirit
Lil’ Wayne – The Carter III
Usher – Here I Stand

The 2008 MOBO Awards take place at Wembley Arena, London on October 15th; and will air live on BBC Three at 9pm.

Your thoughts on the nominations?

That Grape Juice UpdateJust thought I’d check in with you guys and let you know what’s happening ‘behind the scenes’ (figuratively speaking lol):
* I was fortunate to enough to finally interview Ashanti last night via phone from her home. She spoke candidly to That Grape Juice about the her latest album ‘The Declaration’ (including its sales), participating in the Stand Up 2 Cancer song ‘Just Stand Up’ with Beyonce and co, as well as…Nelly lol. Be on the look-out for the interview at the top of next week.
* Still awaiting the additional interview time with Ne-Yo. In the meanwhile, I’ll likely hit you up with the interview in its current form this week or next.
* As stated a while back, the site’s mailbox receives (literally) upwards of 100 emails daily, so I am trying my hardest to respond to as many as possible. Please bare with me 🙂
* It’s great to see so many of you liking the site’s new layout. For those asking why Rihanna is in the banner, while I may not be the biggest fan of Ms. Fenty, she does take a serious picture, I’m sure you’ll agree!
* That Grape Juice has finalized something I’m sure many of you will like…as in *really* like. All will be revealed in the very near future (basically next week lol lol lol).

You know where to keep it locked… That Grape Juice!

Your thoughts?
Your Top 5 Songs Of The Moment?You know the deal; That Grape Juice, once again, wants to see what you all are listening to. Which 5 tracks have you got on constant rotation at the moment? Remember, it doesn’t have to be limited to Urban music; could be something new, Old Skool, even something you made yourself LOL. Drop a comment in the comments section. Mine are – in no particular order:

1) Thank U – Michelle Williams
2) So Excited – Janet Jackson
3) Dope Boyz – The Game
4) Fall Back (Ft. The Dream) – Dear Jayne
5) Miss Independent – Ne-Yo

What are your ‘Top 5 Songs Of The Moment’?
Which Releases Are You Most Looking Forward To?

I actually intended to make this post at the start of the month….anyway….

With the first half of the year having served up major releases from the likes of Mariah Carey, Janet Jackson, Usher etc, the second half looks set to be even bigger. The following are just some of the artists whose new projects are slated to drop in the second half of this year:

• Jennifer Hudson
• Ciara
• Beyonce
• T.I.
• Ne-Yo
• Whitney Houston
• Solange
• R. Kelly
• Brandy
• T-Pain
• Michelle Williams
• 50 Cent
• Keyshia Cole
• Keri Hilson
• Teairra Mari
• Monica

That Grape Juice wants to know whose releases you’re looking forward to most. Who do you think will succeed? Who do you think won’t (aka flop)? Drop your thoughts in the comments section…

Your thoughts?
