Meghan McCain Discovers That She Is Of African Descent

Published: Friday 7th Dec 2018 by David

Meghan McCain, daughter of John McCain, discovered that she has ancestry of  the melanated persuasion live on ‘The View‘ today.

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Three of the show’s hosts took tests to uncover the truth about their ancestral identities and were stunned when they learned who and where they descend from.

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The biggest shocker? The news that Meghan, who believed she was 100% American, has a Senegalese ancestor.

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An ancestor, many viewers took to the net to point out may have been an enslaved man or woman.

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One viewer, stunned by Meghan’s suggestion that she picked up her African ancestry at the dawn of humanity, took to YouTube to share…

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Er, sorry to break it to Meghan, ‘Senegalese ancestors’ does not come from human migration from Africa (that is common to every human), it comes from slavery. The Sene-Gambian region (made up of the West African countries of Senegal and Gambia) were some lf the early contributors to US slave trade. When you overcome the shock, you may want to watch the television serial ‘Roots’ again – Kunta Kinte and what not – for an example of how slaves emerged from that region and the horrors they experienced in America- including how slaveowner rape of black women is responsible for most of the token contribution of West African blood to most white American DNA (science obviously has no respect for the ‘one drop’ rule). You may also google ‘Ayuba Suleiman Diallo’. So General George McCain “who fought with John Washington”, as you say, also probably had a little bit of ravaging to do in the slave cabin. It’s worth venturing out to know every bit of whom we truly are.

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Were you surprised by her response?

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  1. IKNOWTHETRUTH December 7, 2018


  2. Bon Bon December 7, 2018

    It was 1% and she knows it’s from slavery. She was like I’m American what an airhead learn your southern American history.

  3. Are you Kidding Me? December 7, 2018

    And? Just like Elizabeth Warren she’ll use it to feel special.

    She will feel MORE entitled to speak on Black issues saying she is “part Black” and doesn’t experience racism so Black people need to stop complaining and pull themselves up by their bootstraps like White privilege doesn’t exist.

    • Christine December 7, 2018

      MLK said something like, “It’s a cruel jest to tell the bootless man to ‘pull himself up by his bootstraps’.” Slavery, Jim Crow, redlining and the contemporary trumpian mindset keep many blacks ‘bootless’.
      Slavery existed in all 13 colonies; in Connecticut it wasn’t abolished until 1844 then the state instituted its version of Jim Crow.

  4. iamdiego December 7, 2018

    100% American? lol im through.!

    • jcole February 10, 2022

      Oh , now you are “ 1st Nations “ person????
      LOL ignorant ASS!!!
      American does not = “White”

  5. Maxx December 7, 2018

    Megan was scared the world was going to find out she is really black! Like she said though, everyone came from black people. We are at the top of the pyramid.

    • Rachel July 31, 2021

      If you put yourself on top of the pyramid; you wil be the first to fall.

  6. BootzShza December 7, 2018

    Almost everyone I know who took that test says 1% African. I’m as Asian as it gets and I have 1% lol. #PROUDofALLofmyPERCENTAGES

    • BootzShza December 7, 2018

      Haha jk. My roommate is the 1%. I’m straight up west African.

  7. Tt December 8, 2018

    Europeans are delusional people. Continental NATIVE Europeans please come collect your cousins who left to steal, slaughter,colonize, harrass, lie, and commit identity theft against Native Americans, Native South Africans, and Native Australians. They will suck you dry! Euroleeches

  8. Achooo! December 8, 2018

    All races are created by dark skinned blacks. This is a fact. Many people will try to mislead, deny or discredit that fact. The truth will always prevail. Use common sense

    • Hgggf March 7, 2019

      Lol, silly negro.

  9. El October 14, 2019

    1% African is not from “the beginning of time” or the “origin of people” or whatever she said. Genealogy test go hundreds of years back not thousands of years. 1% is approximately 6 generations previous.

  10. Maria Flamingo December 16, 2020

    She was just surprised. The one drop rule was from 1924 to 1967 and before that each state had their own quantum rules of what was White. Meghan is a White woman, even if she was 10% a little admixture doesnt make you whole or Mixed race and definitely not Black!!

  11. Rionah Muir January 23, 2021

    Yes, both her and her father have tried to deny their ancestors owning of Senegalese slaves on one of the biggest plantations in Mississippi. There is little doubt she is the result of s** with a s**** on her ancestral property. She should just own up to it instead of making ignorant quips about it.

  12. Rachel August 1, 2021

    I want to thank the above commenter for American History. I would like to share some African History with this person. Did you know Afircans enslaved each other and cannibalized (ate) each other? They also beheaded children in sacrifices. (My older friend was trapped in the African Jungle and witnessed this in the 1960’s.) With such a gruesome past I am surprised that anyone would want to claim such a history.

    Meghan seems like such a nice grounded person. I applaud her for opening her mind to her ancestors and different and accepting a different past than the one she knew.

    I wish African-Americans would do the same in the United States.

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